Good morning
I created a form with just a progressbar that I display
my problem is that when i want to use the pbstMarquee style, the progressbar doesn't work.
The ProgressBar is displayed with
procedure TMainForm.StartMarquee;
And of course throughout the processing I execute
The ProgressBar is displayed but remains empty
Did I forget something?
Technical Info: Lazarus 2.2.6 14/05/2023 FPC 3.2.2 w86_65-win64-win32/win64
Another question, but which may be related to the malfunction above. When I use the same ProgressBar with ProgressBar1.Style:=pbstNormal; the display is in blue at run-time and not in green as at design-time.
It's as if the run-time component is not the same as the design-time one
Do you have a solution to my problem?
Thanks in advance