Hey Curt Carpenter,
I feel your pain. I, myself, have had some of the issues you've mentioned in the past.
While doing a small detour from the intent of this thread, here's my personal point of view in terms of the many ways that Lazarus/FPC can be installed.
IMPORTANT: Please remember that these are my personal points of view!! They do not reflect a complete knowledge of the many systems involved in all this. Please be kind when criticising any of my most obvious mistakes. Thanks!!
First lets have a, somewhat comprehensive, list of them:
(Anyone please correct me if my lists are not complete)
Linux- From source
- From the repository of your Linux distribution
- From the packages provided at Source Forge
- Using fpcupdeluxe
- Using the pair fpcup/fpclazup
Windows- From source
- From the packages provided at Source Forge
- Using fpcupdeluxe
- Using the pair fpcup/fpclazup
Now for my opinion on how the stack up in terms of difficulty:
LinuxIn Linux first, since that's where I "
live" now, ever since I ditched Windows more than 10 years ago.
The easiest way under Linux is using the distribution repository. It's also the worst one since, as mentioned, they have very old versions of Lazarus/FPC. For a junior Linux user this will be present in the "
Store" app of your distribution and makes it easy for those that have command line phobia. This is a system wide install.
The next best way is using the packages in either
.deb or
.rpm flavour provided on Source Forge. For a medium Linux user, downloading and installing these is not that hard. This is a system wide install.
The above mentioned methods are easy for any junior to senior Linux users with slim to no knowledge of Lazarus/FPC. The following ones require a bit more knowledge of how things are setup in Lazarus/FPC land.
Next we have the
fpcupdeluxe way. This is what I'm using at the moment and it ticks a lot of my needs in terms of updatability and having multiple version pairs of Lazarus/FPC to play with in parallel. And because
fpcupdeluxe allows you to install every version pair in it's own folder, all is contained in it. This is not a system wide install.
Then we have the
fpcup and
fpclazup option. These are command line only apps. Actually,
fpcupdeluxe embeds these in it's code and provides the GUI niceness to access them. Due to the fact that it's a command line only option, one has to be very familiar with all the switches for these apps. This is not a system wide install.
Then, at last, we have the option to install from source. I myself have never attempted this, mainly due to the fact that once I found
fpcupdeluxe, that does all these steps automatically for me to install from source, I've never had the use for it. This can or cannot be a system wide install. Depends on where you install it.
WindowsThe levels of difficulty in Windows are the same as above. Maybe system wide is a bit different in Windows, since if you have Lazarus/FPC on your PATH env it can be considered "
system wide".
The easiest way is, of course, using the setup binaries provided at Source Forge.
The hardest, obviously, being installing from source since you have to install all pre-requisites for compiling Lazarus/FPC like having GIT, MAKE, LN, GDB and so many other command line tools that are needed to compile Lazarus/FPC and then use it.
Hope that this helps you to better understand all the options available, and their difficulty level, for installing and using Lazarus/FPC.