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is any library can load a 3d format file to opengl api?

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is any library can load a 3d format file to opengl api?
use with glBegin,glEnd,glNewlist,glEndlist

  Лично я не понял что вы хотите!
  Какой именно формат вы хотите загрузить? Есть достаточно немало приложений, которые были сделаны в конце прошлого века и в начале нынешнего века, которые работают с 3D. Вам надо лишь найти код того времени, который работал с 3D в OpenGL.
  Так же, вы можете посмотреть книги того времени, возможно в них вы найдёте ответ на свой вопрос.

Google translate:
  Personally, I did not understand what you want!
   What format do you want to download? There are quite a few applications that were made at the end of the last century and at the beginning of this century that work with 3D. You just need to find the code of the time that worked with 3D in OpenGL.
   Also, you can look at the books of that time, perhaps in them you will find the answer to your question.

3d file formats are supported by GLScene (install from OPM). But my recent tests with GLScene showed that the Lazarus version of this library is not working very well.

I wrote a viewer for the STL format by myself - see attachment. The reader for the STL format is in unit svSTLFile. Note that this code is not finished, mouse handling, camera and light parameters should be improved.

thanks for replies.but how about BGRABitmap?


--- Quote from: wp on May 16, 2023, 11:59:11 pm ---3d file formats are supported by GLScene (install from OPM). But my recent tests with GLScene showed that the Lazarus version of this library is not working very well.

I wrote a viewer for the STL format by myself - see attachment. The reader for the STL format is in unit svSTLFile. Note that this code is not finished, mouse handling, camera and light parameters should be improved.

--- End quote ---

Does GLScene can load a 3d format file for OPENGL api?just like 3ds gltf or other animate mode
i want to use it in OPENGL api.


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