Ok, ok, you install via packages from your distro.
I know you couldn't know the following, so your question was correct. But those packages are maintained by maintainers of the Linux distro. They are not provided by the Lazarus team. So if they behave differently, we usually don't know.
Our packages are provided on the sourceforge page (forum menu left side). They come as rpm or deb.
As you can see, the Arch-pacman package comes as "-2". So the arch team has added a 2nd set of fixes to their packages. Yet we haven't.
Then again, that may be for distro specific libraries (Maybe bindings to QT), which otherwise would mean you need to get Pas5Qt.so (or similar) yourself, or even have to build it.
So it is ok, to use the arch packages (especially since they are up to date).
But (and that is why I add this note, for all other readers): When you ask, then mention you are installing from arch (or whatever other) repo.