
Author Topic: Upgrade to Lazarus 2.2.6, I can't compile with debug info?  (Read 1277 times)


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I'm using Arch linux with latest gnome 44.1, yesterday I upgrade to Lazarus 2.2.6 and since I can't compile with debug actived.

By default I set gdb but I try  also to change backend debugger by FPDebuger and nothing change :(

If I disable debug option from project->debugger, I can compile and run.

I tried to remove .lazarus folder and nothing changes, any ideas?

Thanks for your help

« Last Edit: May 09, 2023, 05:57:59 am by bbrx »


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Re: Upgrade to Lazarus 2.2.6, I can't compile with debug info?
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2023, 09:27:18 am »
The error you get usually means there are some old ppu files.

"Form2" would be in your app.

Try a clean build (run menu).

If that does not help, then find any *.ppu and *.o and maybe *.dbg  and maybe link*.res  file in your project dir, and remove.

Btw, you may want to set either "Dwarf with sets" (for gdb)
or "dwarf 3" for fpdebug.

If needed:

Make sure to rebuild the entire IDE with "make clean bigide"  or via tools menu with checked option for "clean all".

If that does not work, check the install location, and also the location of the previous install. Remove ppu files from the previous install, in case some incorrect config accesses them.


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Re: Upgrade to Lazarus 2.2.6, I can't compile with debug info?
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2023, 09:28:31 am »
Also, make sure that the unit with TForm2 (e.g. "unit2") is added in the project inspector, if not already the case.


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Re: Upgrade to Lazarus 2.2.6, I can't compile with debug info?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2023, 09:51:57 am »
bonjour Martin,

Thank you for taking the time to reply.
I just deleted all the files that were in the tmp folder, to be sure. I still get the same message.

I don't understand the link with a Form2?
I start Lazarus with a new default project with no new form, I got the message when I try to compile.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2023, 09:54:13 am by bbrx »


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Re: Upgrade to Lazarus 2.2.6, I can't compile with debug info?
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2023, 10:11:57 am »
Sorry, I misread that. the error is DBG2 not Form2.

So it is in the LCL units. Meaning, the need to rebuild (clean all) the IDE. (you can try to rebuild the package LCL instead, but easier to de the IDE.


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Re: Upgrade to Lazarus 2.2.6, I can't compile with debug info?
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2023, 10:15:10 am »
Well, I just see a new update for lazarus 2.2.6-2 same lazarus-qt5-2 from Arch package (via pacman -Syu) and now it's seems to work. I don't know.

Thank you.


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Re: Upgrade to Lazarus 2.2.6, I can't compile with debug info?
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2023, 10:51:09 am »
Ok, ok, you install via packages from your distro.

I know you couldn't know the following, so your question was correct. But those packages are maintained by maintainers of the Linux distro. They are not provided by the Lazarus team. So if they behave differently, we usually don't know.

Our packages are provided on the sourceforge page (forum menu left side). They come as rpm or deb.

As you can see, the Arch-pacman package comes as "-2". So the arch team has added a 2nd set of fixes to their packages. Yet we haven't.

Then again, that may be for distro specific libraries (Maybe bindings to QT), which otherwise would mean you need to get (or similar) yourself, or even have to build it.

So it is ok, to use the arch packages (especially since they are up to date).

But (and that is why I add this note, for all other readers): When you ask, then mention you are installing from arch (or whatever other) repo.


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Re: Upgrade to Lazarus 2.2.6, I can't compile with debug info?
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2023, 11:03:34 am »
OK thanks you!


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