First, this quote by Ford rings differently once you know that Ford was a massive jerk
Ford was a man of his times, he did some good and some bad. Personally, if I was around then, I think I'd rather work for Ford than his competitors.
Ford was right that sometimes you need to throw out the old model and bring in a new one. 'Sometimes' - not always. The thing that brought this up, Wayland, is a case in point. Right now, there are vastly more
X11 client-server pairs in one box than remotely and they work well. But the three arguments against x11 [complexity security and speed] justified Wayland. Those same three arguments also apply to cloud computing. My argument is that if we can make cloud work, we don't need Wayland, not the reverse.
Please don't suggest I am claiming that X11 should be used for cloud computing, thats possible but silly.
I think the biggest issue with Linux distros is that they don't really know what they want to be. ..... But most distros are still trying to simultaniously be the headless server, single user desktop or multi user mainframe at the same time....for some reason there is GTK installed on my server.
You may have a point there but I, personally, prefer it that way. I have been a big user of Linux servers and have had Linux on my desktop, exclusively, from 1998 or so. I like that things work the same way, allowing me and my staff to try out ideas, safely on a desktop and, when happy, pop it up onto the cluster. We would have many hundreds of rack mounted Linux servers running headless but with the GUI installed, needing only a crash cart or KVM system and the command "startx" to provide GUI for service use.
We pay only a small price for that flexibility.
....because there are still differences in QT and GTK theming, but close enough). Those are issues you don't have on more centralized systems like Windows or Android, or Cocoa (Mac/iOS), where the UI APIs are fully provided by the OS.
On the other hand, those dark themes were simply not available on Windows and Mac until recently. That centralization gives but it also takes away.
It's a both the blessing and the curse of the Unixoid world. It's a system so flexible that from the star architecture mainframe days, to the home desktop, to even gaming consoles (steam deck), everything is possible, yet you can't really specialize on something.
No, sorry, have to disagree there. Linux (in particular) has demonstrated its ability to specialise into all sorts of tight little corners. Its probably runs in your router, washing machine and so on. As you note, Android is a "specialized" version of Linux, again, a good model. Every time an engineer needs a simple OS for a new bit of hardware, they look to Linux or one of its friends, or, these days, something derived from them, strip out the unnecessary and produce a workable system. It is always easier to
remove units from a well designed, modular system than to build one up from scratch. Dropping, eg, the GUI from a Linux install is trivial. But today's younger sysadmins, I assure you, need their GUI.
PS - I like the term "Unixoid" - great one. Can I use it ?