Forum > FV/Textmode IDE

Fully working: FV Dialog Designer

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Download the freeware Dialog Designer Version 4.6 from David Baldwin, in an innosetup installation script:
All files will be installed in c:\dialdesign

DLGDSN.exe is a DOS program, executed under VDOS ( to run under Win64: fv-dialogs.exe. 
Click on the Desktop shortcut to start the program in Win64 OS.

All functions are tested.  A simple FreeVision test framework is included: testcase.dpr.  Insert Type 1 output from the dialog editor between the marks and run your dialog test program...
A demo is also included: demo.dpr / Type 1: dialog definition diademo.src.  Compiled to Win32 with fpc to demo.exe

I have modified all the runtime files to be compatible with fpc.

I have succesfully compiled and tested to Win32, Win64, Linux32 and Linux64 in Delphi with CrossFPC (

Regards, Carlos Vivaros

It does not work for me on Win10x64. I can run demo.exe, but nothing else. Shortcut does not execute anything. Everything is in c:\dialdesign directory. After applying recommended compatibility settings to shortcut, I get vDos exception message: "vDos should not run elevated". If I just click on shortcut nothing happens. If I open shortcut as admin then I get the same message.


--- Quote from: CarlosVivaros on April 25, 2023, 11:02:21 am ---Download the freeware Dialog Designer Version 4.6 from David Baldwin
--- End quote ---
Why should I?
Show some screensnaps of what all this shall be.
What's the benefit of using (if it would work at all) over the Lazarus Form Designer?


--- Quote from: avra on April 25, 2023, 05:21:39 pm ---If I just click on shortcut nothing happens. If I open shortcut as admin then I get the same message.
--- End quote ---
Take care about malware  O:-)

I note that there's a couple of newly-joined members suddenly posting "interesting" links, so unless they introduce themselves (e.g. as longstanding members of the MLs) I think suspicion of malware is entirely valid.

I think the (claimed) intention is to have something similar to which I think has by now been copied and worked on by various people. This sort of thing is definitely valid, since it allows a Textual User Interface (TUI) to be designed for programs which don't merit (or systems which don't support) a full GUI.

My opinion is that Linux- and possibly FPC- would have benefited enormously from having something like this 15 or 20 years ago.



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