
Author Topic: Old application will not start in IDE with default debug.  (Read 580 times)


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Old application will not start in IDE with default debug.
« on: March 26, 2023, 03:28:18 pm »
I 've just downloaded Lazarus 2.26.
I want to use it with my application build on Lazarus 2.06.
Version 2.26 has a new debug (DWARF).
When I build my project, it's compile without errors. But when starting the application, It will not start end the IDE is still in Debug mode. Running the application without the IDE works fine.

So I looked with the old debugger (GDB). This one will not debugging on this piece of code. 

Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. function TDMConnections.DBConnection: TIBConnection;
  2. begin
  3.   result := IBConnection1;
  4. end;
I deleted the function and put all the connections to IBConnections1

Now I can debug and run my application with the IDE with GDB.
Actually I want the new debugger in Lazarus.

How do I do that.

Creating a new application with the new debugger runs normal.
Lazarus 2.06 (64b) / FPC 3.0.4 / Windows 10
stucked on Delphi 10.3.1


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Re: Old application will not start in IDE with default debug.
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2023, 05:38:41 pm »
Please note, if you did rebuild the IDE (e.g. added package) then you should not have changed optimization in the build settings "configure build lazarus".

FPC 3.2.2 has a bug, and if the IDE is build with -O2 or above then (at least) FpDebug will not work (other parts of the IDE may be affected too, but less likely)

Can you run the IDE with

Code: Text  [Select][+][-]

And supply the logfile please?

Or test with Lazarus 2.3 if you have access to it.


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