I upgraded my laptop from Catalina to Monterey. Now Lazarus doesn't build.
- FPC 3.2.2 built on Catalina from source
- Lazarus branches main and fixes_2_2
For both Lazarus branches, 'make clean bigide' fails at building lazres:
Assembling lazres
Linking ./lazres
ld: framework not found CoreFoundation
I restored copy of Lazarus 2.2 built from source on Catalina from archive. It runs, but it fails to build my app (which builds with this restored version of Lazarus when my laptop was running Catalina):
% lazbuild ...
ld: framework not found Cocoa
Xcode IDE and command line tools appear to work, as a GUI C++ library and executables build successfully.
According to MacPorts, 'port health' for Lazarus on Monterey x86_64 is a cross.