So, putting aside the offensive announcement itself, we seem to have some problems with the actual projects identified, mostly because they are not necessarily project that we, as individuals, support ? Just what was announced ?
Fresnel is already under way, a big risk, maybe a big payoff. Docked and dark colors works for many people already. Web Dev honestly is not my thing but I agree its important, but so is Mobile Apps, but that did not rate a mention ?
PDF Builder ? I have just finished adding PDF capabilities to my app using fpPDF, it needed an ugly workaround with fonts but its fine for my purpose.
Gaming Engine ? What about Castle ?
We have a great debugger already, "ultimate" is a silly term. "AI" is just a buzz word.
I think the magazine needed to fill a page in a hurry and made an phone call without explaining how the information was to be used. Be careful when talking to journalists.