i try to use some functions from my library. Declaration is as follows:
function CalculateArm(x,y : Integer; fixedPoint : TFixedPoint; var RobotArmInfo : TRobotArmInfo; var seg : TArm) : Boolean; stdcall; external 'project1.dll';
function GetRangeOfArm(seg : TArm) : Integer; stdcall; external 'project1.dll';
but during compilation pas2js file I get the error
unit1.pas(81,24) Error: Not supported: stdcall
I'm using win7 64bit, Lazarus 2.0.10, but I suspect that the platform has nothing to do with it. Perhaps it is a matter to pas2js engine? I did installation two years ago, so maybe since then something in pas2js has changed and this issue appears no more?
Some variables in my library are Single type and using this type in pasjs file I get also warning:
unit1.pas(76,13) Warning: Symbol "Single" is not implemented
I hope that in this case I'll be okey anyway.