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GetObjectProp: Sample from rtl documentation not running


I am searching for information and found samples in the rtl documentation, but i am not able to run the samples

Is the sample or my installation broken ?

(Yes i know this is not a new fpc installation, but according the major version of the documentation. But the same happens with other fpc's)

Code from here

--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---program example5; { This program demonstrates the GetObjectProp function } {$mode objfpc} uses rttiobj,typinfo; Var  O : TMyTestObject;  PI : PPropInfo;  NO1,NO2 : TNamedObject; begin  O:=TMyTestObject.Create;  NO1:=TNamedObject.Create;  NO1.ObjectName:='First named object';  NO2:=TNamedObject.Create;  NO2.ObjectName:='Second named object';  O.ObjField:=NO1;  Writeln('Object property : ');  PI:=GetPropInfo(O,'ObjField');  Write('Property class     : ');  Writeln(GetObjectPropClass(O,'ObjField').ClassName);  Write('Value              : ');  Writeln((O.ObjField as TNamedObject).ObjectName);  Write('Get (name)         : ');  Writeln((GetObjectProp(O,'ObjField') As TNamedObject).ObjectName);  Write('Get (propinfo)     : ');  Writeln((GetObjectProp(O,PI,TObject) as TNamedObject).ObjectName);  SetObjectProp(O,'ObjField',NO2);  Write('Set (name,NO2)     : ');  Writeln((O.ObjField as TNamedObject).ObjectName);  SetObjectProp(O,PI,NO1);  Write('Set (propinfo,NO1) : ');  Writeln((O.ObjField as TNamedObject).ObjectName);  O.Free;end.
FPC 3.2.2 i386-win32-win32/win64

a ) getobjectprop.lpr(7,6) Fatal: Cannot find rttiobj used by getobjectprop of the Project Inspector.

If i change the uses to rtti, RttiUtils, typeinfo it compiles a little more

b ) getobjectprop.lpr(11,7) Error: Identifier not found "TMyTestObject"

--- Quote ---Compile Project, Target: getobjectprop.exe: Exit code 1, Errors: 15, Warnings: 1, Hints: 7
Hint: Start of reading config file X:\xxxx\fpc\bin\i386-win32\fpc.cfg
Hint: End of reading config file X:\xxxx\fpc\bin\i386-win32\fpc.cfg
Verbose: Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.2-rrelease_3_2_2-0-g0d122c4953 [2021/11/24] for i386
Verbose: Copyright (c) 1993-2021 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Verbose: Target OS: Win32 for i386
Verbose: Compiling getobjectprop.lpr
getobjectprop.lpr(8,6) Warning: Unit "Rtti" is experimental
getobjectprop.lpr(11,7) Error: Identifier not found "TMyTestObject"
getobjectprop.lpr(11,20) Error: Error in type definition
getobjectprop.lpr(13,13) Error: Identifier not found "TNamedObject"
getobjectprop.lpr(13,25) Error: Error in type definition
getobjectprop.lpr(16,6) Error: Identifier not found "TMyTestObject"
getobjectprop.lpr(17,8) Error: Identifier not found "TNamedObject"
getobjectprop.lpr(18,7) Error: Illegal qualifier
getobjectprop.lpr(19,8) Error: Identifier not found "TNamedObject"
getobjectprop.lpr(20,7) Error: Illegal qualifier
getobjectprop.lpr(21,5) Error: Illegal qualifier
getobjectprop.lpr(23,20) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "<erroneous type>", expected "TClass"
typinfo.pp(1347,10) Hint: Found declaration: GetPropInfo(TClass;const AnsiString):^TPropInfo;
typinfo.pp(1341,10) Hint: Found declaration: GetPropInfo(TObject;const AnsiString):^TPropInfo;
typinfo.pp(1289,10) Hint: Found declaration: GetPropInfo(PTypeInfo;const AnsiString):^TPropInfo;
getobjectprop.lpr(25,31) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "<erroneous type>", expected "TClass"
typinfo.pp(1983,11) Hint: Found declaration: GetObjectPropClass(TClass;const AnsiString):Class Of TObject;
typinfo.pp(1977,10) Hint: Found declaration: GetObjectPropClass(TObject;const AnsiString):Class Of TObject;
getobjectprop.lpr(27,14) Error: Illegal qualifier
getobjectprop.lpr(27,26) Error: Identifier not found "TNamedObject"
getobjectprop.lpr(29,25) Fatal: Syntax error, "." expected but "(" found
Verbose: Compilation aborted
Verbose: X:\xxxx\fpc\bin\i386-win32\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode

--- End quote ---

See which is closed.
rttiobj is in the docs, probably as per Florian's remark.

Thaddy, there is more wrong and your issue linked is 13 yrs old and the sample is wrong from start to end. If some units exist anywhere in the doc sources is nice, but the sample is broken, because it reference to not existing code in a standard source install of fpc. And in the sample code is NO HINT where the missing code is.

All GetxxxProp samples (for typinfo.pp) looks broken in the same manner in the official documentation.



--- Quote from: af0815 on January 26, 2023, 11:52:39 am ---I am searching for information and found samples in the rtl documentation, but i am not able to run the samples
--- End quote ---

The samples contained in the documentation are not necessarily meant to be completely usable or even compileable. They simply illustrate the principles of what is documented.

Then it should marked: "THIS SAMPLE IS NOT COMPLETE" look in the source of the docs

The main functionality of the sample is in the not shown code. IMHO not a good style.


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