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Questions about initialization

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I have a couple of questions and confusions around initialization and I appreciate any help for clarifying them.

I always faced this one, but never find out why.
Considering these two Tests:


--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---program Project1; var  A: array[0..10] of integer;  I: integer;begin  for I := 0 to High(A) do    WriteLn(A[I]);  ReadLn;end.

--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---program Project1;   procedure Test;  var    A: array[0..10] of integer;    I: integer;  begin    for I := 0 to High(A) do      WriteLn(A[I]);  end; begin  Test;  ReadLn;
Why in Test1, (as far as I know), A is zeroed, but not in Test2?
In both cases FPC warns about not initialized value.

Why Initialize(A); does not zero the array?

--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---  procedure Test;  var    A: array[0..10] of integer;    I: integer;  begin    Initialize(A);    for I := 0 to High(A) do      WriteLn(A[I]);  end;      For example if I use Initialize on a record, it will zero any value in it, but not for arrays. And it is documented as "Initializing means zeroing out the memory area".
What is the logic behind this?
I guess, one can say, it does Initialize the memory of array, but not the induvial items, but the array in it self is a type, so why not Initializing (zeroing out) it too?

And to add to confusion of myself, Initialize is documented as "In this sense it is close in functionality to Default, but Default requires an already initialized variable."
But if I try to do this, I will get a zeroed array, so they are not the same.

--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---  procedure Test;  type    TA = array[0..10] of integer;  var    A: TA;    I: integer;  begin    A := Default(TA);    for I := 0 to High(A) do      WriteLn(A[I]);  end;  
As said in documentation, "Default requires an already initialized variable." What does it mean? Is it best practice to call Initialize first and then Default?

Considering this sample:

--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---program Project1;   {$mode delphi}type   { TTest }   TTest = record    I: integer;    class operator Initialize(var AValue: TTest);    class operator Finalize(var AValue: TTest);    class operator AddRef(var AValue: TTest);    class operator Copy(constref A: TTest; var B: TTest);  end;   class operator TTest.Initialize(var AValue: TTest);  begin    WriteLn('Initialize: ', QWord(@AValue));  end;   class operator TTest.Finalize(var AValue: TTest);  begin    WriteLn('Finalize: ', QWord(@AValue));  end;   class operator TTest.AddRef(var AValue: TTest);  begin    WriteLn('AddRef: ', QWord(@AValue));  end;   class operator TTest.Copy(constref A: TTest; var B: TTest);  begin    WriteLn('Copy: ', QWord(@A), ' : ', QWord(@B));  end;   procedure Test1;  var    V: TTest;  begin  end;   procedure Test2;  var    V: TTest;  begin    Initialize(V);  end;   procedure Test3;  var    V: TTest;  begin    V := Default(TTest);  end; begin  WriteLn('Test1');  Test1; //No Initialize  WriteLn('Test2');  Test2; //Two Initialize on same pointer!  WriteLn('Test3');  Test3; //One Initialize  ReadLn;   //Log:  //Test1  //Test2  //Initialize: 20971068  //Initialize: 20971068  //Finalize: 20971068  //Test3  //Initialize: 20971068  //Copy: 20971064 : 20971068  //Finalize: 20971068end.

Why Test2 is initialize V two times for the same pointer?

At Test3, Pointer 20971068 is initialized, but not 20971064. But FPC copies 20971064 to 20971068. Why? and how should I manage it to not duplicated a cost of copy? I thought Default, makes the value default, but it seem it makes a initialized(!) value and copy it to the variant.

Documentation of initialize:

For future readers:,62706.msg474502.html#msg474502

Q1: I believe local variables are not initialised.

Q2: initialize() works on managed types, which I believe your array is not.

Q3: default() is the way to go :)

Q4: default's documentation (link below); does not say that default "requires an already initialized variable". I don't know why initialize's docs say that, it doesn't make any sense to me.


The docs could have been more specific about Initialize and Finalize applying to managed variable types only.
For instance the pseudo signature could have been given as:
procedure Initialize(  var T: TAnyManagedType;  ACount: SizeInt = 1);

@4: fixed length arrays are an exception: you can call default() on it.
There is one caveat: you need to provide a type for the fixed length array.
--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---{$mode objfpc}{$H+}{$ifdef mswindows}{$apptype console}{$endif}procedure test;type  TMyArray= array[0..9] of integer; // default() needs a typevar   a:TMyArray;  i:integer;begin  for i in a do write(i,' ');writeln;// stack is dirty, array may contain random values  a:=Default(TMyArray); // clean the static array  writeln('===========================================');  for i in a do write(i,' ');writeln; //array contains only zero'send; begin  test;  readln;end.
Example output (different for every run):
--- Code: ---4194304 0 0 0 1 0 503 0 41120 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
--- End code ---

So the documentation for Initialize() is wrong.It should read: "an initialized variable or a type.".
As long there is a type, default will work happily.


--- Quote from: speter on January 07, 2023, 08:30:38 am ---Q1: I believe local variables are not initialised.

--- End quote ---

i.e. Local variables are on the stack, which is reused repeatedly hence might contain stale data.

Global variables might (depending on implementation details) be in a separate global space or might get the first bit of stack.

In the general case, it might be best not to assume that this is initialised: a great deal depends on the language implementation, the linker, and the behaviour of the OS when it allocates and loads initial memory.



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