Anyone has success running pas2js WASI demos?
I'm using pas2js and fpcwasm compilers built yesterday from respective current trunk/master/main. Running pas2js's demo/wasienv/simple, web page shows up with expected output; browser console has following:
> XHR GET http://localhost:20080/helloworld.wasm
Unimplemented: TPas2JSWASIEnvironment.fd_prestat.get
Hello world from FPC webassembly and Pas2JS!
... and a merry Christmas for all!
Next, copied helloworld.wasm over to demo/wasienv/wasiapp and ran that. Now web page doesn't show expected output, and browser console:
> XHR GET http://localhost:20080/helloworld.wasm
Unimplemented: TPas2JSWASIEnvironment.fd_prestat.get
<empty string>
Same 'unimplemented ...' shows up for every demo in demo/wasienv. These fd.prestat.get calls are made by FPC-generated Wasm (I guess) and the function is not implemented by pas2js's WASI, as per line 924 in packages/wasi/wasienv.pas.