... GTK2 does not show the TextHint if the control has focus.
That is perfectly OK. There are similar filter edits around the IDE with identical SpeedButton icons for clearing them. Clever Lazarus users know immediately what it is.
Other FilterEdits around the IDE get focus initially. It is a convention.
As it is now, the user is blissfully unaware of which control has focus, if they start typing character, they appear in the editsearch box and if they use the cursor keys, focus moves up and down in the ListView. (First part being Getmem's excellent suggestion). If the user presses Enter while in EditSearch (natural thing to do after entering text), focus is again shifted back to ListView so, again, thats what a user probably, unconsciously, expects. They don't need to tab right around (but can if they want to).
I note Juha has altered the Tab order from what I initially set, I had the EditSearch first tabstop after (opening) ListView, now its last on the list. Juha's model is good if the user realizes that typing will automatically take you to the EditSearch but that is not obvious IMHO. So I provided one (tab) press to get there. Now, once you press Tab, you have to keep pressing (or use the mouse). I am uncertain ....
TabOrder must be from top-down, left-right. That is a GUI convention everywhere. TAB must not jump around here and there.
At least with LCL-GTK2 for some reason only the edit control shows visually it has focus. The ListView or Memo do not. It is confusing.
We have also set a goal that the window is usable without a mouse (necessary or otherwise) so that means everything needs to be a tabstop. Personally, I rarely tab between controls and don't believe too many other users do either. But its there.
Support for using keyboard to navigate a GUI is a normal convention again. Nothing special to this Examples window.
Thanks for GetMem for testing the SpeedButton icon issue and for wp for solving it properly. I try to remember the right way to do it. I confess I didn't search for the solution long enough.
But what about your forestry project, that is far more interesting ??
My hobby forest now sleeps under thick snow. South Finland got permanent snow in mid-November which is unusual. Now we have a proper winter, cold and lots of snow, and more is coming! May be a record snow level before mid-December. A new ice age is coming clearly.
No complaints though. Santa Claus can use his sledge this year without problems. Everything is clean and white. No slush, no slippery pavements due to melting-freezing-melting-freezing cycle like often here.
I sold the trees I thinned last spring and summer as 3 meter long logs to be used as firewood. In the autumn I fell rest of the trees to be thinned. They now lay on the ground criss-cross on top of each other with branches still attached, thus mostly not touching ground. The project will continue next spring. The best time for forest work is April when most snow but not all has melted. Air is humid, temperature +5°C, sun shines, birds sing, no insects yet. Perfect!
Firewood business could be expanded. The forest has pine, birch, aspen and other sorts in addition to fir trees. I only must get some winch system to pull them out of the forest. So far I have pulled them myself using log scissors. Traditionally horsed have done the pulling. I understand why, logs are heavy.
I dare to link a picture of my son who visited and helped with the logs, although this is out of topic in Lazarus list :
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hS_f_1zMAYLz03n2gie5rmJ1Ko0wdCMQ/viewHe worked with a chainsaw for the first time and liked it.