
Author Topic: LAMW - Bluetooth send or share file - get file send confirmation  (Read 454 times)


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  • Posts: 48
  • A Retired hobbist programmer from Greece
Hi to all !

Sorry for my bad english....

I wonder if there is a way to have confirmation when the file has been sent.

For example when my application sends the file a notification is displayed on phones notification panel that the  file has being sent.

Is there any way to confirm that within my application, maybe with the Jbroadcastreceiver?

Note that the application is permanently connected via RFCOMM to send some commands.

I tried with Jbroadcastreceiver and "android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED"  method but since the app is connected via RFCOMM it doesn't activated.

If disconnect app from RFCOMM then i get the file transfer completion message via Jbroadcastreceiver.

If anyone has any idea please help me. Thanks.
As I get older, the more I learn !!


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