Open source would be better, but when doing header conversion or codec conversion all help is welcome, as some converters work better on some headers.
However some configuration would also be nice, I tested a microsoft SDK header iphlpapi.h, which is a MSDN header
- The first attempt, loading it from the SDK dir hung itself, the second attempt generated an exception
- Configuration: removing generation of $HPEMIT and $EXTERNALSYMBOL.
- Configuration: be able to specify a name of a DLL for header conversion purposes (so that WINAPI expands to "stdcall external dllname name '_symbolname'; etc)
- Then I tried with only the headers outside of the SDK, and it didn't detect DWORD as a type, so decoding a prototype like below failed and generated a {$HPPEMIT for DWORD and an untranslated prototype.
- Another isolated run and it didn't generate anything anymore and I always got the exception. Does it hold state somewhere (temp files?)
The results looked quite ok, but were not really reproducible.
_Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*pdwSize) PMIB_IPADDRTABLE pIpAddrTable,
_Inout_ PULONG pdwSize,
_In_ BOOL bOrder