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VisualPlanit drag and drop bug ?


Nicola Gorlandi:
Using latest Lazarus on Windows if you drag and drop and event on Month View and then double click on a empty day the mvActiveEvent is still referring to the event dragged and that event is open, if you press cancel in the edti form the event dragged is deleted.

Maybe I am doing something wrong ?

I think I fixed the issue in r8288. Please test.

Nicola Gorlandi:
Many thanks i downloaded the latest version but when I compile my projec VpZeosDs is not found.

Maybe I am doing something wrong ? By the way, the same issue happens in case of you select an event and then you cange resource.

Finally, I think that even for the Weekview the activeevent does not work properly. Maybe you already fix this.

Thanks a lot

VpZeosDS always has been in separate packages, laz_visualplanit_zeos (runtime) and laz_visualplanit_zeos_design (designtime).

As for the other issues, please give detailed step-by-step instructions so that I can reproduce them. The initial issue of this post was about drag-and-drop, so changing resource can't be "the same issue".

Nicola Gorlandi:
Many thanks, now it works everything.

Sorry for the mixing of issues.


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