Running Laz 2.2 on Win10/64. If I create a new app, turn on i18n and set both check boxes, folder etc, include the DefaultTranslator in the uses clause, have ResourceString set etc build, I get the .pot file in the language folder. However, if I load my app, which was originally created with a much older version of laz, 1.8 I think, is now compiling fine in 2.2, I can't get the translator to create the .pot files, no matter what I do. I followed all instructions, even did exactly what the examples/translate project do, to no avail. I also clean the files like the ppu, lrs etc to no avail. Even building from the menu not the shortcut keys. I tried anything I can think of!!!
Could it be that because my project was created using an older version of Laz? Anyone else have this problem?