I am using LazSynaSer without issues since my last post. I use it to connect several Arduino boards in OS X/macOS. Many of these boards are using the CH340 chip. I found out that with recent macOS the device is directly recognized by the OS and enumerated as /dev/tty.usbserial* whilst with older macOS versions the device needs to install a specific device driver and is seen as /dev/tty.wchusbserial*.
Thus the function GetSerialPortNames in LazSynaSer should be modified as such:
ScanForPorts( '/dev/tty.usbserial*',false); // RPH 14May2016, for FTDI driver
ScanForPorts( '/dev/tty.UC-232*',false); // RPH 15May2016, for Prolific driver
ScanForPorts( '/dev/tty.wchusbserial*',false); // for WCH driver
In this way also old versions of OS X are able to connect through LazSynaSer.