Forum > macOS / Mac OS X
Where is a Lazarus Mac OS X Version???
i hurd from some, that is a Mac OS X version of Lazarus online.
Cane please someone say me where i get it??
mfg, Sindwiller :D
as of right now i think you have to build both the freepascal compiler and lazarus from the latest cvs sources
Just succeeded in building lazarus from sources and running it with X11 on Mac OS X .
Vincent Snijders:
Do you think the installation instructions at lazarus-ccr are accurate? If not, can you update these instructions, please?
Basically, the instructions look ok. At least, I don't see an obvious mistake. In order to really check it, I would have to remove everything, which is too much trouble.
So, guiding a newbie would be much better suited to reveal problems in detail.
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