Using a recent Lazarus development snapshot and a recent fpgui snapshot downloaded using "git clone git:// fpgui-code" I wanted to know if the pascal code presented in the first post works as expected using the fpgui widgetset. Apparently the LCL implementation of fpgui is way back customdrawn, years I mean. When trying an empty form application I get an error in at the first line: "if WidgetSet.GetDpiForMonitor(FHandle, MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI, X, Y)=S_OK then..". Probably the situation is similar to the one presented in this forum at subject "How to use CustomDrawn on X11 Linux?".
If the fpgui developers decide to update their code in order to build an application according to the first post, maybe they would also try to update customdrawn widgedset. At OS level it might be the same issue.