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What kind of projects do you develope for Raspberry


I got a Rpi4 for birthday from my familly,  and I love it.
Please, a little help, just a couple questions:
What kind of projects do you develope with Lazarus/fpc for Rpi?
Do you develope under Raspbian or other OS but compile for Raspbian?

On a Rpi4 you can direct work. But i normally use windows and make a crosscompile to RasPi. For special bugfixing, i have installed a complte Lazarus/FPC enviroment on a RasPi.

I am developing industrial apps.

I make a RasPi version of my app, a note management tool, when I do a release. It represents a few percent of total downloads.

I build it with a cross compile (from Linux) because I build most of the packages, all from one script. Then do a final test on each insitu.


I use my RPi zero-W as a control system to intercept the outdoor temperature sensor (ntc) for the district heating control, presenting it on a web-gui using an embedded webserver, then forwarding it using a led+ldr to the heating controller.
I've got an 8xAI chip and an 2xAO chip communicating over SPI with the PI to handle the analog peripherals.
Written in FPC (and html ofcourse).


--- Quote from: mirce.vladimirov on December 18, 2021, 05:48:47 pm ---I got a Rpi4 for birthday from my familly,  and I love it.
Please, a little help, just a couple questions:
What kind of projects do you develope with Lazarus/fpc for Rpi?
Do you develope under Raspbian or other OS but compile for Raspbian?

--- End quote ---

Exactly the same as for any other Linux-based computer, with the Lazarus IDE etc. running on the RPi itself.



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