Dear Fre;D
Debian is a good and stable sysem for servers.
But it is horrible for the desktop.
There are so many linux distros.
Leave Debian
Dear Winni.
Debian is the Original and many others are forks of him ( Ubuntu and friends ).
But here the problem concern the debian packages ( used by all the forks ) not the Debian OS .
There is a check-progam named "
lintian" that analyses the content of the package
deb and if something fails, it will not be accepted in the Debian deb-repository (used by all the forks).
And the problem with fpc binaries is that by default you will have that warning :
hardening-no-pieAnd the solution, like explained in first post, will work only with fpc <= 3.0.5.
So, back to the initial question: how to make work
-Cg -k-pie -k-znow options with fpc > 3.0.5 ?