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List of game frameworks, libraries to use in 2021 and beyond?

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--- Quote from: ddabrahim on October 17, 2021, 01:13:45 pm ---Libretro is interesting though I'm not sure if I like the idea to make games to run inside some sort of VM or Emulator. But I'll consider it.

--- End quote ---

Libretro is indeed interesting. It defines an API. One side of the API is the front-end, with RetroArch being the reference implementation. The front-end takes care of gamepad/keyboard input, audio/video output, and running the game loop. The back-end, which is your game, reads input from libretro's abstract input devices (receiving actual input supplied by the front-end) and writes audio/video to libretro's abstract output devices (with actual output done by the front-end). This happens every frame.

Your game, implemented in Pascal, runs as a libretro backend executed by the front-end. On x86_64 Linux and Windows, your game is built as a native DLL/so, for  loading and running by RetroArch as a native executable. (Haven't tested on Mac myself.) There is no emulator or VM involved.

Now, because of the flexibility given by libretro's front/back-end separation of duties, many game emulators have been implemented as libretro backends. There is even an Oberon-on-RISC backend.

If you are looking at publishing your games commercially, then considerations like packaging etc come into play.

Afterwarp Framework v2.0.0 - SDK (April 12, 2021)
The package includes framework binaries, library files, C/C++ include header files, samples, pre-compiled sample executables, media files, tools and documentation of the API functions.
In this package Delphi and FreePascal/Lazarus headers, high-level framework wrappers, examples and related documentation are provided.

Вам нужно определится что вы хотите делать. Если вы новичок, то лучше всего забыть о создании игр для разных систем и создавать игры для одной системы. Хотя бы для тренировки. Для понимания что происходит в игре, с какими проблемами вы столкнётесь в процессе разработки.

Всё что можно посоветовать, это используйте понятный для вас движок. Который будет прост в использовании и чтоб результат можно было увидеть достаточно быстро. Вы погасните, если начнёте вдаваться в сложные движки и сделать очень много. Всегда надо начинать с простого!
Вы можете разрабатывать игры и без игровых движков. Посредством LCL. Есть достаточно немало примеров таких игр.

Когда у вас будет достаточно опыта, тогда вы можете выбирать игровые движки. Или создавать всё самим. Почитайте Ламота когда у вас будет достаточно опыта, но и новичку эта информация будет интересна. Он написал несколько книг по созданию игр/игровых движков. Там достаточно полезная информация.

Я лично для разработок использую ZenGL. Но я его использую в своих целях и дорабатываю его. При хороших навыках с OpenGL его можно использовать чтоб не задаваться вопросом по созданию окна и контекста для него, а сразу использовать функции OpenGL. А так же дополнительные средства ZenGL.

Но это не означает, что другие движки этого не предоставляют! ZenGL позволяет создавать минимальные приложения. Этим он меня и завлёк.


Yandex translate:
You need to decide what you want to do. If you are a beginner, it is best to forget about creating games for different systems and create games for the same system. At least for training. To understand what is going on in the game, what problems you will face in the development process.

All that can be advised is to use an engine that is understandable to you. Which will be easy to use and so that the result can be seen quickly enough. You will burn out if you start going into complex engines and do a lot. You should always start with a simple one!
You can develop games without game engines. By means of LCL. There are quite a few examples of such games.

When you have enough experience, then you can choose game engines. Or create everything yourself. Read Lamothe when you have enough experience, but even a beginner will be interested in this information. He has written several books on creating games/game engines. There is quite useful information there.

I personally use ZenGL for development. But I use it for my own purposes and refine it. With good skills with OpenGL, it can be used so as not to ask questions about creating a window and context for it, but to immediately use OpenGL functions. As well as additional ZenGL tools.

But this does not mean that other engines do not provide this! ZenGL allows you to create minimal applications. That's what he lured me in.

Good luck!

As Allegro.pas developer I must say that today Allegro.pas would not be the best option.  It is a bit outdated, some fixes and new stuff are in the SVN but I haven't had the time to complete it and make a new release.

I hope I can find some time soon and complete the next version some day before next year, mostly because I need it for my own projects that are on hold because Allegro.pas isn't complete.  :-[

Thank you for the replies, really appreciate it.

What platform to target is a difficult decision. I am developing on a Mac, so I would like to be able to build and test on macOS but I don't really know what platform to target. Mobile is more popular for causal games I guess but with the Steam Deck coming, Linux maybe also worth considering for a portable/mobile experience.

I don't actually plan to make a commercial game but I would like to have the option available just in case. I prefer not to be locked in to a free license that does not allow commercial use.

At the moment I don't really know what I want, I was just wondering what are my options if I were using Pascal/Lazarus.



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