I am just looking to display some log files.
In this case possibly the HTML components in the JVCL are enough for you:
- TJvMarkupLabel: displays HTML text with simple formatting instructions, suitable for multi-line text
- TJvMarkupViewer: similar to MarkupLabel, but displays a vertical scrollbar
- TJvHTLabel: a single-line label, probably not what you need.
You do not need to install the entire JVCL to get these components, JvJans is enought. In OPM, select the items jvjanslazr.lpk and jvjanslazd.r under the JVCLLaz node, then install.
Usage is self-explaining but here is the code which I just tested. Note that line-breaks must be triggered by inserting '<br>'; the constant LineEnding is not respected.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
LoremIpsum: string =
'<font color="red">Lorem ipsum </font>dolor sit amet, '+
'<b>consetetur sadipscing </b>elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor '+
'invidunt ut labore et <i>dolore magna </i>aliquyam erat, '+
'<br>sed diam voluptua. '+
'At vero eos et <font size="12">accusam et justo</font> duo dolores et ea rebum. '+
'Stet <u> clita <font color="blue">kasd</font> <b>gubergren</b></u>, no sea '+
'<br>' + // Linebreak does not work.
'takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.';
JvMarkupViewer1.Text :='<u><b><font size="14">JvMarkupViewer:</font></b></u><br>' + LoremIpsum;
JvMarkupLabel1.Text := '<b><u><font size="14">JvMarkupLabel:</font></b></u><br>' + LoremIpsum;