Forum > Lazarus

We are planning the next release: Lazarus 2.0.12

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The Lazarus team has scheduled

      Lazarus 2.0.12
      for February 2021 (estimated 22nd to 25th)

      This release will be built with FPC 3.2.0.

Here is the list of fixes for Lazarus 2.0.12 (since 2.0.0):

We would invite everyone to provide their feedback to help us improve
this upcoming release. Please let us know in particular:
- Any bug-fixes already made to trunk, that you believe should still be
  merged to the fixes branch (fixes that are not listed on the above wiki page)
- Any regressions that happened in fixes branch since the release of 2.0
- Other urgent (e.g. crashes/data-loss/...) matters, you believe we should know before the release.

Please attempt to provide your feedback by: 16th February 2021

More info on our release process can be found at (work in progress):

Information about the previous release:

The intended minimum requirements for the release will be:

   2k(*), XP(*), Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10, 32 or 64bit.

   gtk 2.8 for gtk2, qt4.5 for qt, qt5.6 for qt5, 32 or 64bit.

   10.5 to 10.12; Carbon (32bit), Cocoa (64bit, beta), qt and qt5
   (32 or 64bit).

(*) requires install from sources

The issue remains in fixes.
Compile the project for LCLwin32 widgetset, launch and click ToggleBox - ComboBox "flickers" (white box appears in the ComboBox for a time of Sleep(), approximately the size of the focus rectangle, but in other my programs it can be the size of the whole ComboBox).
This is regression since Lazarus 2.0.8.

>macOS:    10.5 to 10.12; Carbon (32bit), Cocoa (64bit, beta),

Cocoa is not beta now (IDE has dropped this mark).


--- Quote from: tetrastes on February 11, 2021, 08:22:41 pm ---The issue remains in fixes.
Compile the project for LCLwin32 widgetset, launch and click ToggleBox - ComboBox "flickers" (white box appears in the ComboBox for a time of Sleep(), approximately the size of the focus rectangle, but in other my programs it can be the size of the whole ComboBox).
This is regression since Lazarus 2.0.8.

--- End quote ---
Unfortunately there is no mention when it was fixed in trunk. So no info where to look what to backport (nor if it even could be backported).
If indeed it is fixed in trunk, then that means the fix will be in Lazarus 2.2

Keep up the great work !!!  :) :) :)


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