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KOL + TDbf - proper Lazarus configuration
Couple days ago in my company we decided to make a small sample app for ARM/WinCE. According to the information found on WIKI we installed Lazarus, WinCE addon and KOL components.
We were struggling with getting the TDbf component to compile for ARM/WinCE target - during the compilation a message was popping up saying that "Unable to find LResources.pp" and the messages window contained: "LResources.pp(25,69) Fatal: Can't find unit Dbf used by RegisterDBF". If we do not use the component, but just try to create a TDbf in the code with "dbf" in uses section - we get "Unit1.pas(8,70) Fatal: Can't find unit dbf used by Unit1". Indeed, when I look into the directories, there are no dbf* units compiled under fpc\2.2.0\units\arm-wince\fcl-db.
For KOL we have no problems and it compiles well for any platform just using the settings of the main project. What are we missing?
You need to use fpc 2.2.1 and build it from svn sources. It have dbf unit for arm-wince target.
Do not drop any non-KOL components on a form in KOL-CE application. Use code to create/destroy needed components.
Yury - thanks for your hint, I've done what you suggested and it worked, however when I do some changes to the TDbf code - what is the best way to properly recompile it. For now I'm using "makefile" that is present in the sources directory of TDbf, but it compiles to a different directory than the one used by Lazarus. I'm moving the compiled units to the proper place, but maybe there is some better way?
You can add path to dbf sources to units path in your projects settings and dbf units will be recompiled when you change something in them.
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