Forum > FV/Textmode IDE

Using mouse with Free Vision


Dear all,
I compiled a Borland Pascal program with Free Pascal and it worked at once. However, I does not seem possible to select the Free Vision items with the mouse. This is a linux system and I started the program with an xterm. I read previous posts which mostly referred to switching off the 'quickedit' functionality, but alas, this is linux and using the mouse is allowed under the xterm settings. Also, FP IDE works fine with full mouse support. I have no clue what else I could try to make the mouse work.
--Ubuntu 18.04 KDE, xterm (version 330), free pascal version 3.0.4, FP version 1.0.12

Any help is highly appreciated,

You need to init the mouse unit of the rtl-console package.

Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately, this did NOT resolve the problem.
I called 'InitMouse' from unit 'Mouse' at the start of the program (and 'DoneMouse' when leaving it).
However this had no effect at all.


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