@Fred vS
Just to avoid Misunderstandings…
It takes me less then 3 minutes. + And for using of git nothing complicated,...
Not the Creation & Usage is "complicated", but possible legal or personal Consequences.
(But, thank You for Showing, how to do it.)
And, "unnecessarily" means in this Context:
"if actually not needed, not better, no Advantages" for the Code's/Project's Author(s).
..., but certain restrictions apply, ...
Which ones, beside of "the ban of certain countries due to US legislation" ?
...to create and/or maintain an archive network for projects mainly in Pascal?
Would be nice - Good Idea.
There are still no Answers to the Points, that I brought into this Discussion (see above, Reply #6):
#1: How's about "Security of Your personal Data" ?
#2: How's about "Responsibility, even for Activities of others" ?
#3: Who's actually the Owner of the Site's Codes&Projects? What happens with them, if those Sites are sold ?