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MacOS Install Trunk Branch Alongside of 2.0.10?

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Looking for some guidance on installing the Trunk Branch that has latest fixes alongside 2.0.10.   Questions:

1) Where do I download Trunk Fixes install from?

2) Can I pick another directory on install to install this instance, or are other additional considerations needed?


for ease of use you might want to try fpcupdeluxe. it should get the trunk for you, and should be able to setup Lazarus into a separate directory.

 In the app GUI, do I select 'Trunk' or 'Fixes' before selecting 'Install FP+Laz'?  Or do I have to install both?   Thanks!

you probably want to use Lazarus only.
and you want select only "Trunk" for it.

Errors on attempt, Logs:

--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---Going to install/update Lazarus only with given options.FPCUP(deluxe) is starting up. Bootstrap dir:         /Applications/LazTrunk/fpcbootstrapFPCupdeluxe basedir:   /Applications/LazTrunkFPC URL:      options:           FPC source directory:  /Applications/LazTrunk/fpcsrcFPC install directory: /Applications/LazTrunk/fpcLazarus URL:      options:           Lazarus source directory:  /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarusLazarus install directory: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus Please stand back and enjoy ! 26-7-20 13:31:15: fpcupdeluxe: V304 (20200722) started.FPCUPdeluxe V1.8.0e for x86_64-darwin running on Mac OS X 10.15.5 Found valid bsdtar application.Found valid make application.Found valid make application.fpcupdeluxe: info: LazarusNativeInstaller (CleanModule: Lazarus): Deleting Lazarus primary config file (lazarus.cfg).fpcupdeluxe: info: LazarusNativeInstaller (CleanModule: Lazarus): Running "make distclean" twice inside /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus/fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/make FPC=/Applications/LazTrunk/fpc/bin/x86_64-darwin/fpc PP=/Applications/LazTrunk/fpc/bin/x86_64-darwin/ppcx64 PREFIX=/Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus INSTALL_PREFIX=/Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus LAZARUS_INSTALL_DIR=/Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus/ OS_SOURCE=darwin CPU_SOURCE=x86_64 OS_TARGET=darwin CPU_TARGET=x86_64 --directory=/Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus/ distclean (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)make: *** No rule to make target `distclean'.  Stop.fpcupdeluxe: info: LazarusNativeInstaller (CheckModule: Lazarus): Checking Lazarus sources with TSVNClientFound valid svn application.fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn info /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn info /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: info: LazarusNativeInstaller (CheckModule: Lazarus): sources ok.fpcupdeluxe: info: LazarusNativeInstaller (GetModule: Lazarus): Start checkout/update of Lazarus sources.fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn info /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn info /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: info: Directory /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus is not an SVN repository (or a repository with the wrong remote URL).fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn info /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: info: LazarusNativeInstaller (DownloadFromSVN: Lazarus): Running SVN checkout or update.fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn info /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn info /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn checkout --quiet --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -r HEAD /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: WARNING: SVN client error return code: 18432fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn checkout --quiet --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -r HEAD /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: WARNING: SVN client error return code: 18432fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn checkout --quiet --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -r HEAD /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: WARNING: SVN client error return code: 18432fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn checkout --quiet --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -r HEAD /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: WARNING: SVN client error return code: 18432fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn cleanup --non-interactive /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn update --quiet --non-interactive --trust-server-cert -r HEAD /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: ERROR: SVN client error return code: 18432fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn info /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn info /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn info /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: Executing: /usr/bin/svn info /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus (working dir: /Applications/LazTrunk/lazarus)fpcupdeluxe: info: LazarusNativeInstaller (DownloadFromSVN: Lazarus): SVN gave error code: 18432 fpcupdeluxe: info: LazarusNativeInstaller (DownloadFromSVN: Lazarus): SVN gave error message: svn: error: Failed to locate 'svn'.svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by Xcode. fpcupdeluxe: ERROR: LazarusNativeInstaller (GetModule: Lazarus): Checkout/update of Lazarus sources failure.  ERROR: Fpcupdeluxe fatal error !Sequencer (Lazarus): Failure running fpcupdeluxe: error executing sequence LazarusSequencer (Only): Failure running fpcupdeluxe: error executing sequence Only fpcupdeluxe: Performing a SVN/GIT/HG/FTP checkout ... please wait, could take some time.fpcupdeluxe: WARNING: SVN client error return code: 18432fpcupdeluxe: Performing a SVN/GIT/HG/FTP checkout ... please wait, could take some time.fpcupdeluxe: WARNING: SVN client error return code: 18432fpcupdeluxe: Performing a SVN/GIT/HG/FTP checkout ... please wait, could take some time.fpcupdeluxe: WARNING: SVN client error return code: 18432fpcupdeluxe: Performing a SVN/GIT/HG/FTP checkout ... please wait, could take some time.fpcupdeluxe: WARNING: SVN client error return code: 18432fpcupdeluxe: Start of compile error summary.fpcupdeluxe: ERROR: SVN client error return code: 18432fpcupdeluxe: Start of compile error summary.
Not sure how to precede.   Mayday!


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