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Tdataset de UIB
Hola a todos, espero que esten bien, y de paso pregunto si alguien sabe porque aul usar el dataset de UIB y compilar dice que no puede estar activo un dataset. Una segunda pregunta, acerca de los componentes de Interbase, el componente dataset no aparece y no se como agregarlo,. espero alguien pueda decirme como se agrega.
Please speak english! Realy not all people on the World can speak Spanish or whatever you're speaking. If I will write here in polish nobody could understand me too.
Giuseppe Ridinò:
¡Por favor, escribe en inglés! :twisted:
(Please, write in english!)
You should connect UIB components in your code !!!
They work in the designer but you must disconnect and reconnect them in your code.
--- Quote from: "alpulidom" ---Hola a todos, espero que esten bien, y de paso pregunto si alguien sabe porque aul usar el dataset de UIB y compilar dice que no puede estar activo un dataset. Una segunda pregunta, acerca de los componentes de Interbase, el componente dataset no aparece y no se como agregarlo,. espero alguien pueda decirme como se agrega.
--- End quote ---
If the problem is in connection with a dbgrid component then is a known bug, there is a patch in a recent post in the mailing list that fix this bug, hopefully it will be avalilabe in cvs soon.
there is an additional problem with uib at this time, it doesn't work well with floating point fields, the author is aware of this problem and maybe there will be a new release but I don't know when. I have a patch from the uib component's author if you are interested.
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