4- add more components to online package manager
Are the 179 packages in online package manager not enough?
i wish i am hero like you so i can share knowledge with others rather than underestimate them
Well, if you ask a big group of people, you get a big mix of answers. Some you might have expected, some will surprise you (good and bad)....
All of your points are totally valid (and the more components (of quality) the better => thats why OPM was created).
But your points may be valid, they are still all points that everyone here knows very well.
If you searched the forum, you would have seen that.
So because of the very obvious nature of your ideas (most of them), to some of us, its a little bit like you are mocking us.

Don't get that wrong either. You can (and maybe should) still make your points. A little reminder never hurts.
Though some points need more detail (and for that a thread of their own): "improve" (aka "make better") is rather vague, nebulous and also subjective.
Also: "Ideas" are nice, but cheap. That is, without someone who will do the work, an idea is nothing.
Many people throw in ideas. The existing contributors and developers pick up some (rather few) of them. (limited by available manpower).
So the next step is then to find someone (existing or new contributor) who finds your idea interesting and wants to work on it.
(1) has some work being done on, from time to time. So if a problem exists, and the problem is described in a reproducible way, then it may get picked up (with more or less delay, not sure what priority work on it has).
As for "embedded form designer" -> there was some discussion on it recently. I don't recall the results.
To see what the latests is, you may want to check out Trunk.
Adding components without rebuild
(5): That is underway. but slowly. Its a feature that is planned to be added to fpc. (dynamic packages). I know it is worked on, but apparently with little time avail. So it may still take some time. (afaik, its been ongoing for some years now)
Adding OPM components
(4): That is really an issue of finding people who write them. Any user can contribute.
Removing need for strip
(3): I have not tested -Xs should do that, if not then there is work needed. Also making it avail without need to do lots of config: See discussion on release vs debug build mode. But again: contributor needed. (Or lots of time, until someone can free up enough time)