Here is a quick-and-dirty OnDrawItem handler. It draws the background as a horizontal gradient, and the selected item gets bold type-face.
Everything here must be drawn by yourself. The routine is by far not complete. Disabled items are not drawn as such, and the icons must be drawn in a slightly different way to support "high-dpi" mode.
This code works on Windows, but I do not know if all widgetset support a custom OnDrawItem handler.
procedure TForm1.MenuItemDrawHandler(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas;
ARect: TRect; AState: TOwnerDrawState);
x, y: Integer;
if AState * [odSelected, odFocused] <> [] then begin
ACanvas.Brush.Color := RGBToColor(216, 215, 255);
ACanvas.Pen.Color := RGBToColor(190, 190, 230);
ACanvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
ACanvas.GradientFill(ARect, clSkyBlue, clWhite, gdHorizontal);
x := 2;
y := (ARect.Top + ARect.Bottom - ImageList1.Height) div 2;
ImageList1.Draw(ACanvas, x, y, TMenuItem(Sender).ImageIndex, TMenuItem(Sender).Enabled);;
x := x + ImageList1.Width + 4;
ACanvas.Pen.Color := clGray;
ACanvas.Line(x, ARect.Top, x, ARect.Bottom);
x := x + 4;
y := (ARect.Top + ARect.Bottom - ACanvas.TextHeight('Tg')) div 2;
ACanvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
ACanvas.TextOut(x, y, TMenuItem(Sender).Caption);