
Author Topic: IDE freezing the OS  (Read 25720 times)


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IDE freezing the OS
« on: October 29, 2019, 05:56:59 pm »
I installed Ubuntu 19.10 and Lazarus 2.0.4.

However, a few minutes after I start the IDE, Ubuntu freezes, and I have to force shut down my computer.

The IDE starts normally, but the screen (attached) stays open, and no matter how much I click one of the buttons, nothing happens.

I installed Lazarus using Gdebi (fpc, fpc-src and lazarus).

Can anyone tell why this happens?


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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2019, 03:20:22 pm »
Something similar happens with LazPaint

When running it and resizing, it hangs and sometimes it freezes the system too.


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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2019, 03:54:26 pm »
On Linux mint, too, this happens if an error occurs in the process. but only noticed on Cinnamon.


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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2019, 07:37:57 pm »
Hmmm it would be related to Lazarus 2.0.4 maybe?

I am on Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa and Lazarus 2.0.2 and not having this problem.
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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2019, 07:57:21 pm »
"Freeze the system" or "freeze the desktop environment"?

If it freezes the system, i.e. you can't SSH into the system or use <Ctrl><Alt><F1> to go to a text screen, it's a kernel problem: that quite simply shouldn't happen whatever abuse an application program is throwing at the system.

If it's "merely" freezing the desktop environment... I've seen that sort of thing happening when using Lazarus to debug a program using threads, but not (recently at least) with anything simpler.

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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2019, 08:13:55 pm »
I'm not sure if the OS or the desktop environment. I'm running on a VM, at least all the desktop is not working and I must restart the VM to continue when executing LazPaint (but this happens sometimes, other times happens that I can kill the app).


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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2019, 09:33:54 pm »
I'm not sure if the OS or the desktop environment. I'm running on a VM, at least all the desktop is not working and I must restart the VM to continue when executing LazPaint (but this happens sometimes, other times happens that I can kill the app).

Does the VM have an IP address? Can you ping it from the host?

Unfortunately the VM aspect also raises the possibility that it could be a problem in the virtualisation of the video subsystem. Obviously it's highly undesirable that this sort of thing should happen, but I think that the important thing at this stage is to try to tie down whether it's "just" the IDE which is locking up (and taking the desktop environment with it) or whether there's something more serious involved.

I've got 2.1.0 built from trunk on Debian "Buster" with KDE and definitely haven't seen any lockups /except/ for debugging issues. That shouldn't really happen either, but at least it's possible to go to a text console (or SSH in) and kill Lazarus (plus gdb and the program being tested) which results in no lost work. In terms of kernel, X11 server and libraries etc. that's goung to be fairly close to Ubuntu 19.x
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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2019, 10:09:55 am »
Maybe that could be related to the window manager. On my distro, you can change it in Paramaters > Desktop Parameters. It shows a list of window managers.
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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2019, 11:13:17 am »
Maybe that could be related to the window manager. On my distro, you can change it in Paramaters > Desktop Parameters. It shows a list of window managers.

It's certainly something worth considering. However the first thing is to reach consensus on whether

* Lazarus etc. is locking up and has to be killed using a window manager facility.

* Lazarus etc. is locking up and taking the window manager with it.

* Lazarus etc. is breaking the kernel (unlikely, and a kernel developer's problem).

An obvious part of the problem is that the modern desktop environment is rather more than the traditional window manager. It /used/ to be possible to change the window manager on the fly since basically all it was doing was providing the "furniture" around application windows, i.e. title bar etc. These days the window manager is basically chosen by the display manager (which handles login etc.), and includes much more that the traditional window manager.

Remember that if you change the desktop environment (window manager etc.) you might not have a convenient GUI option to change it back. Going through my historical notes I think the selection is stored in ~/.dmrc but that might actually redirect to another configuration file stored by the display manager. I suggest that anybody tinkering with this work that detail out before starting, or at the very least make sure that the display manager login screen has the option of selecting the window manager (desktop environment).

Another fair question is whether it's widget-set specific, i.e. are the apps which are failing built for gtk3 rather than gtk2 etc.

I'm not in the loop for trying to fix this, but those are basic support level questions that the people with the problem need to consider.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 11:22:48 am by MarkMLl »
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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2019, 11:34:16 am »
gii, are you using the Wayland Display Server or xorg ?

During logon, the screen where you type in your password has, just under the password field a small gear symbol, it will allow to to change some bootup things, at least choose between Gnome on Xorg (default) or Gnome on Wayland (a silly choice).  May just be the issue, Ubuntu has, at this stage, not made Wayland the default like Fedora has, if you are using it, I suggest you try the other option.

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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2019, 11:48:37 am »
Actual appearance of the login screen might vary slightly depending on the display manager, but I'd hope that there's something equivalent there- even if the overall operating system has to be told to install additional desktop environments e.g. KDE or xfce in addition to Gnome.
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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2019, 12:09:38 pm »
Hmm, I just checked, definitely a gear symbol under the password field but the choices are "Ubuntu" and Ubuntu on Wayland". And, as Mark hinted, any other desktop you may have installed.

And maybe that prompts the idea that gii could pretty easily add another desktop to the existing Ubuntu install and see if that helps. I would (predictably) suggest Mate ....

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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2019, 02:52:14 pm »
Hello, sorry for the delay.

I've been using Windows for at least 10 years now, I'm migrating to the Linux world now, so sorry if I don't know how to respond properly.

I am using Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine in dual boot with Windows 10.

I didn't know the shortcut <Ctrl> <Alt> <F1>, so I tried <Ctrl> <Alt> <Dell>, <Ctrl><Shift> <Esc> and <Ctrl><Alt> <T>, but nothing happened . The system also did not respond to any clicks.

And another try, I accessed the system monitor, and killed the startlazarus and Lazarus processes, but the screen (attached in the first post) keeps popping up, seconds later the system froze.

I already tried to reinstall Lazarus, and it was no use. Right now I am reinstalling Ubuntu.


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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2019, 03:03:18 pm »
I commented on the LazPaint issue, this exact text:

I can't find a way to change the window manager from a setting.

I seen running lazpaint from the command line
Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"

Then I installed
sudo apt install libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module

LazPaint freezed at the beginning, but then a popup of the system come saying "lazpaint is ready".

Then from now when I run LazPaint it says 'lazpaint is not responding' but if I wait a few seconds, then it becomes responsive and I can use it.

Edit: seems that the OS is not freezing, just the desktop, because if I wait enough it gets responsive again---
« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 03:06:10 pm by lainz »


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Re: IDE freezing the OS
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2019, 11:00:41 pm »
It would be interesting to run 'top' in that period where its becoming responsive again.

It might be able to tell us whats being 'used up', ie memory, cpu, file handles, karma .....

My app also complains about missing canberra-gtk, however it does not require it and things work perfectly with or without it. I add it to the requirements list in the deb and rpm files I make but just to avoid seeing error messages.

From memory, canberra is a sound processing thing ....

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