This topic is a continued discussion from OPM forum thread about issues found during packages compilation. You can find that discussion here:,34297.msg333621.html#msg333621Here is the summary of "Incompatible PPU" bug from that discussion:
I have some NewPackage that uses already compiled/installed OldPackage. When I try to install NewPackage Lazarus complains that PPU from OldPackage is not compatible. It happens first time after adding about 1/3 of the OPM packages that can be installed with current LAZ/FPC combo. Then I have to manually apply workaround to be able to continue installation of packages. Then after 5-10 packages it strikes again and the same workaround helps again. It repeats like that. PPU bug seams to prefer some packages just a little bit, but there is no rule and affected package may be random. Bug seams to strike earlier if I use -O3 instead of -O2. My "optimal" compile switches are "-O2 -g- -Xs -CpPENTIUMM -CfSSE3" but bug shows even with no optimization at all.
- Here is the mentioned workaround:,43646.msg326093.html#msg326093
- Here is some relevant discussion from long time ago:,43665.msg308117.html#msg308117
- Here is my old bug report:
My latest test was on LAZ trunk and FPC trunk. Before that with LAZ trunk and FPC 3.2.0. All the same. It was also tested with official LAZ, and also with LAZ fixes and FPC fixes and the only difference is that I had to patch FPC 3.0.4 or 3.0.5 first to remove 2GB Win32 limit because that limit was hitting before PPU bug showed. All tests were run on Win10x64 and all tested LAZ and FPC were 32bit.
Good news. We got help from a more experienced core member. Invalid ppu is just a generic messages, to find out more info, we have to compile FPC with: -vut .
Possible reasons for invalid ppu message:
- a package does not have a distinct output directory.
- packages sharing source or output directories.
- include files with same name.
- bug in FPC.
I have put -vut into FPC options of newly fpcupdeluxe made trunkgit LAZ and trunkgit FPC, as on the attached
options.png. I do not know how to check if -vut was really applied, but since subjectively Lazarus compilation lasted much longer I guess that it was. If you know how can I check if options were applied please tell me. 32bit Lazarus was created and I have tested it on Win10x64.
This time, at first I didn't use any optimizations until 3rd problem showed, but let's describe 1st problem fist:
Problem1: I started adding almost all standard Lazarus packages that could be compiled on my trunk LAZ and trunk FPC. After that I started adding OPM packages as described earlier - in groups of 1-2 starting letters. First all packages starting with A and B that could be compiled, then C and D, etc. After a while, I received fatal
checksum changed error during compilation related to synhighlighterlua. I guess it was related to unit duplication, and seamed unrelated to
Incompatible PPU problem. Anyway, full compilation message output is in
Problem1.FileChecksum.txt file of attached ZIP archive. To continue with compilation, I simply uninstalled related package. It is maybe worth mentioning that my
Incompatible PPU workaround does not solve
checksum changed error.
Problem2: After compilation of some packages, another fatal
checksum changed error showed during compilation related to bgrabitmap. There were other duplicate units but I could not find that bgrabitmap was reported as duplicate, so it was not exactly the same as Problem1, but similar enough. It also seamed unrelated to
Incompatible PPU problem, so I simply uninstalled bgrabitmap and dependent packages and continued compilation. Full compilation message output is in
Problem2.FileChecksum.txt file of attached ZIP archive.
Problem3: Now IDE has completely lost some packages. It wasn't the first time I faced this problem, but it didn't show for quite a while. I am not sure, but this one might be related to OPM or IDE. It does not look related to
Incompatible PPU problem at all. Screenshot can be seen on attached
Problem3.png. Looks like directories of many packages have simply been wiped out. For example, Synapse40.1 directory had only these 2 files:
and in ct4laz directory, folder pl_examples was missing completely, and this is the content of pl_0_libs folder:
or pl_cindy:
...\ct4laz\pl_components\pl_cindy\lib\i386-win32\win32 <<< empty dir standing there and nothing else
or pl_graphics32:
...\ct4laz\pl_components\pl_graphics32\lib\i386-win32\win32 <<< empty dir standing there and nothing else
You can also see what IDE showed after restart looking at attached
1stIdeMsgAfterReportingLostLPK.png. To solve this problem I had to uninstall lots of missing packages and dependencies, and during all that at moments I thought I could not make a working IDE in normal ways so I tried with optimized settings -O2 -g- -Xs. I do not know if that helped or something else, but after some time I got a working IDE again and could continue compilation. Full compilation message output is in
Problem3.LostLPK.txt file of attached ZIP archive.
Problem4: Finally, after a while I faced
Incompatible PPU problem. Full compilation message output is in
Problem4.IncompatiblePPU.txt file of attached ZIP archive. Somehow, logged messages do not show
Incompatible PPU but hey show it on the screen. I wanted to attach screenshot but forum message limit was reached so if needed I can attach it in next post. Exact messages were these:
Compile package tponguard 1.20.1: Exit code 1, Errors 1
Fatal: Cannot find Graphics used by qonguard2, incompatible ppu=c:\prg\lazarus\trunkall\lazarus\lcl\units\i386-win32\graphics.ppu, package LCLBase
I have tried my workaround and it worked. Now when I think about it maybe I shouldn't - to let it be available for testing. If that will be needed then I can continue installing packages and error will show again.
I am available for all tests until September 18th when I go on a 2 weeks vacation. If needed I can 7zip whole fpcupdeluxe dir and put it to some file sharing service (600MB+). Dir just needs to be copied to C:\ and IDE can be started by shortcut that is inside of the dir, so we can say it is partially portable. It will work on your pc if you start it from the same dir as it is on my pc.
EDIT: Marked topic as solved.