@Alextp: thank you, but your demo from the repository is somehow broken. If I set the progress value in the spin edit and then change the combobox value few times, the progress on the button does not match the spin edit value. Look at the attachment. This bug happen when the
Animation style is set and then, one of the last three style. Besides, the demo produces memory leaks after closing the window. Use
-gh option to see the problem.
Fun fact — the
TBPF_INDETERMINATE style looks the same as
TBPF_NORMAL with the progress state ignored. There is a green stripe at the top of the taskbar button, but without progress and any animation. I tested it myself and the animation does not work in my system. I have a broken Windows or it should not be animated? I don't know what to think about this “merque” style.
My test application is added to the attachments — please, try it yourself.
Edit: problem solved — to be able to see progressbar animation in the indeterminate state, the
Show animations in Windows option must be enabled in the system control panel. I had this option disabled, so the bar was not animated. So, the source code of my demo application is correct.