I need PascalSCADA, and it depends on BgraBitmap and BgraControls. I used to compile PascalSCADA from OPM, so all dependencies were solved automatically. It used to work on 32bit Laz 1.8 fixes + FPC 3.0 fixes (by FpcUpDeluxe) on Win10 x64, but on Laz 2.0 fixes (RC2 currently) + FPC 3.2 fixes and on Laz trunk + Fpc trunk it doesn't. It always fails on BgraControls installation, saying that some ppu BgraBitmap unit is incompatible. So I have tried to install everything mentioned from FpcUpDeluxe instead of OPM, but BgraControls compilation fails again. Then I have downloaded master.zip archives of both BgraBitmap and BgraControls from official github repo and tried to install them manually. BgraBitmap installed, but BgraControls failed again. Here is the output:
Compile package bgracontrols 6.0.2: Exit code 1, Errors: 1, Warnings: 3, Hints: 2
bcbasectrls.pas(44,22) Hint: Unit "Types" not used in BCBaseCtrls
bctools.pas(343,14) Warning: Local variable "p" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
bcbutton.pas(55,52) Hint: Unit "LMessages" not used in BCButton
bcfilters.pas(320,21) Warning: Local variable "gpallete" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
Warning: Recompiling BGRASliceScaling, checksum changed for C:\PRG\Lazarus\FixesAll\ccr\-\bgrabitmap\bgrabitmap\lib\i386-win32\3.2.0\bgrabitmap.ppu
bcimagebutton.pas(55,32) Fatal: Cannot find BGRASliceScaling used by BCImageButton, incompatible ppu=C:\PRG\Lazarus\FixesAll\ccr\-\bgrabitmap\bgrabitmap\lib\i386-win32\3.2.0\bgraslicescaling.ppu, package BGRABitmapPack
Clean build doesn't help. Here are my optimized IDE options: -O3 -g- -Xs -CpPENTIUMM -CfSSE3.
Does anyone have some clue what is going on?

EDIT1: Ok, I will try something mentioned at
http://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,35642.0.html and report if it helped.
EDIT2: Changing from Optimized IDE to Normal fixed the compilation problem. However I think that it has something to do with Lazarus and not with BgraControls, since I got pretty similar result when I tried to compile old BgraControls 4.3.1 that comes with PascalSCADA, and which worked without problems on earlier Lazarus:
Compile package bgracontrols 4.3.1: Exit code 1, Errors: 1, Warnings: 1
Warning: Recompiling BGRAGradients, checksum changed for C:\PRG\Lazarus\FixesAll\ccr\-\PascalSCADA\bgrabitmap\lib\i386-win32\3.2.0\bgrabitmaptypes.ppu
bcsamples.pas(11,32) Fatal: Cannot find BGRAGradients used by BCSamples, incompatible ppu=C:\PRG\Lazarus\FixesAll\ccr\-\PascalSCADA\bgrabitmap\lib\i386-win32\3.2.0\bgragradients.ppu, package BGRABitmapPack
EDIT3: Changing back from Normal to Optimized IDE made compilation fail again. Then I changed just -O3 to -O2 and it worked. Silly me. Now I just don't know if that should be reported to bug tracker or not...