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Pascal Gaming Information

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Hi, i'm new to the forum and new to pascal (just 3 months of intense sessions of programming with delphi/lazarus) and i'm trying to make a game with a game engine
(i alredy made one without "graphic"
i am looking for informations, is there a good place where i can  find them? tutorials? videos?
what about game engines that alredy exist? are they good?
i want to develop a 2d game for mobile devices do you have a game engine to suggest?

sorry for my bad grammar
thanks for answers


ZenGL or CastleGameEngine or TerraEngine or ZGameEditor...

ZenGL is not good choice for Android. It's not updated for years and creating android application is complicated.


--- Quote from: XanderT on February 28, 2018, 11:37:30 pm ---i want to develop a 2d game for mobile devices do you have a game engine to suggest?
--- End quote ---
Have you tried Unity? Sorry it's different language, but mobile device support and features are really strong.

I'm not a game developer, but since you quoted Unity, it would be interesting if Godot Engine had support for Pascal. There is already support for C #, C ++, Python, Nim, D, ...
IDE is very interesting.
Perhaps an inspiration to the developer of Castle Game Engine.
But this is far from my knowledge.


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