oh my god
so sorry
i change the title topic
i know and all of you say true,but my question is simple and i don't say correctly ?!?!
i use this code and convert char to integer:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Edit1.Text := inttostr(ord(Edit2.Text[1]));
and use this code for inverse (integer to char ) :
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
Edit2.Text := chr(strtoint(Edit1.Text));
these codes work correctly for English char
but i want to use
Farsi char , i cant convert ??
when i type for example "
خ" i see:
// If Edit2.Tex:= 'خ';
procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Edit1.Text := inttostr(ord(Edit2.Text[1])); // ==> Edit1.Text = 216
Edit3.Text := inttostr(ord(Edit2.Text[2])); // ==> Edit3.Text = 176
in above link (from Wikipedia) i see :
Name Persian Unicode Arabic Unicode
0 ۰ U+06F0 ٠ U+0660
1 ۱ U+06F1 ١ U+0661
2 ۲ U+06F2 ٢ U+0662
3 ۳ U+06F3 ٣ U+0663
4 ۴ U+06F4 ٤ U+0664
5 ۵ U+06F5 ٥ U+0665
6 ۶ U+06F6 ٦ U+0666
7 ۷ U+06F7 ٧ U+0667
8 ۸ U+06F8 ٨ U+0668
9 ۹ U+06F9 ٩ U+0669
ye ی U+06CC ي U+064A
kāf ک U+06A9 ك U+0643
but i don't what is this and i don't know howi can use this?!