it is a legit question - why I want to use older releases, here are my reasons
1. my GUI program was designed to be build across Linux/Windows/Mac - so I want to make sure I set up my dev environment consistently on each OS I have access - for Linux, I have been sticking with (X)ubuntu LTS over the past 15+ years, due to various key benefits that I observed. Because of that, I have been keeping all of my Lazarus versions to match the version I could install on Ubuntu 18.04 (version I have on my work desktop) via package management (I also have a preference of installing software only from package management system for easy management and migration).
2. if I have unmatched lazarus versions across my OS environments, when opening and saving projects, new component properties introduced by newer lazarus could cause warnings or even errors when loading in the older versions. Metadata saved in the project file may also toggle between different versions unnecessarily in version control. It is a nuance and it is fixable, but I don't like it.
3. in college, I drained a big chunk of my free time in writing GUIs in CB/Delphi, and in many of my projects, I tried to find fancy 3rd party components on the web to create something look different from a "normal" UI; Now I am doing something totally opposite - I try very hard to stick with the most basic, plainest components, focus on functionality and stability, I found this way gives my code the best portability and least effort needed to maintain. (By the way, I miss CB a lot! I wish lazarus has a C++ interface, but I know it is not easy to do). Because of that, I don't need anything from newer versions, unless there is a bug fix or major new feature that I could benefit.
On the other side, Lazarus is an incredibly stable, forward compatible, bloat-free for any new release, with self-contained package installers that can be installed virtually on all OSes and OS versions. For these reasons, I have no reservation when upgrading to new versions is becoming necessary - but at this point, I just don't see any feature that I HAVE to use a new version - I suppose if it does fix the ListView icon issue for the Mac, I would use that justification to do an upgrade across the board.