Hi, seems that GetMem is not part of this forum anymore :'(
Wait, what?!?! Then, who's managing updates to OPM now?
No one.
<looks back in the thread history>
Someone named "balazsszekely", it seems. Who's that? They have no profile.
That's GetMem real username, when he or someone else deleted his account, is now a guest and is displaying his real username.
Edit: for example my user name is 007 but I display it as lainz...
<looks back further>
Wait a minute... past posts that I know were made by GetMem have been renamed to balazsszekely... Are they the same user? Or was the user account swapped? Or is it a glitch in the Matrix?
Already explained.
Should we keep posting in this thread for updates to OPM packages?
Indy probably needs a refresh...
I think yes, is the right thread, maybe it just need to be reassigned to someone else or wait for any confirmation about GetMem new status, say if he is still alive o not, or if he is tired about Lazarus, or he is now retired, or is his account hacked, who knows...