
Author Topic: Online Package Manager  (Read 891564 times)


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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2280 on: February 09, 2023, 11:11:23 pm »
GetMem, could you please update the TvPlanIt package to v1.8.1? The new version is a bugfix release for TVpCalendar.



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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2281 on: February 10, 2023, 06:57:13 am »
GetMem, could you please update the TvPlanIt package to v1.8.1? The new version is a bugfix release for TVpCalendar.

Done. Thanks for the new version.


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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2282 on: February 11, 2023, 04:27:28 pm »

Can this be added to OPM, seems well tested.


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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2283 on: February 11, 2023, 05:51:35 pm »

Can this be added to OPM, seems well tested.
Yes, but only Monday. I'm away in the weekend.

Gustavo 'Gus' Carreno

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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2284 on: February 28, 2023, 10:49:03 pm »
Hey Y'all,

I've left this on the GitHub repo: Cannot compile current OPM version in latest trunk as of 2023/02/28.

I'm kinda CCing it here since I really don't know where it will be more noticeable to the author.

GitHub Issue:

Hey Y'all

I just updated my trunk install with fpcupdeluxe and I first needed to remove the BGRA Packages since one of them is erroring out:
Code: Text  [Select][+][-]
  1. Compile package BGRABitmapPack 11.5.3: Exit code 1, Errors: 20, Warnings: 19, Hints: 14
  2. Hint: Start of reading config file /home/gcarreno/FreePascal/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.cfg
  3. Hint: End of reading config file /home/gcarreno/FreePascal/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.cfg
  4. Verbose: Free Pascal Compiler version 3.3.1-12514-gee16fc7b96 [2023/02/27] for x86_64
  5. Verbose: Copyright (c) 1993-2023 by Florian Klaempfl and others
  6. Verbose: Target OS: Linux for x86-64
  7. Verbose: Compiling bgrabitmappack.pas
  8. Verbose: Compiling bgraanimatedgif.pas
  9. Verbose: Compiling bgraclasses.pas
  10. Verbose: Compiling bgragraphics.pas
  11. Verbose: Compiling bgrabitmap.pas
  12. Verbose: Compiling bgrabitmaptypes.pas
  13. Verbose: Compiling bgraunicode.pas
  14.,1) Warning: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
  15. bgraunicode.pas(1173,7) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
  16. bgraunicode.pas(971,7) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
  17. bgraunicode.pas(950,7) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
  18. bgraunicode.pas(908,7) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
  19. bgraunicode.pas(642,11) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
  20. bgraunicode.pas(676,13) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
  21. bgraunicode.pas(488,13) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
  22. bgraunicode.pas(389,9) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
  23. bgraunicode.pas(412,9) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
  24. bgraunicode.pas(451,9) Warning: Case statement does not handle all possible cases
  25. Verbose: Compiling bgramultifiletype.pas
  26. Verbose: Compiling bgrautf8.pas
  27. bgrautf8.pas(28,51) Warning: Symbol "TStringListUTF8" is deprecated: "Use TStringList instead"
  28. bgrautf8.pas(164,3) Warning: Symbol "LoadStringsFromFileUTF8" is deprecated: "Just use TStrings.LoadFromFile"
  29. bgrautf8.pas(169,3) Warning: Symbol "SaveStringsToFileUTF8" is deprecated: "Just use TStrings.SaveToFile"
  30. bgrautf8.pas(245,13) Warning: Symbol "UTF8CharacterLength" is deprecated: "Use UTF8CodepointSize instead."
  31. bgrautf8.pas(153,40) Hint: Value parameter "AValue" is assigned but never used
  32. Verbose: Compiling bgrabitmaptypes.pas
  33.,27) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  34.,14) Error: Operator is not overloaded: "<record type>" < "ShortInt"
  35.,28) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  36.,31) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  37.,28) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  38.,29) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  39.,23) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "TPointF", expected "Extended"
  40.,14) Hint: Found declaration: Sqrt(Extended):System.Extended; InternProc;
  41.,20) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  42.,39) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  43.,34) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  44.,34) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  45.,21) Warning: Function result variable of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
  46.,21) Warning: Function result variable of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
  47.,34) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  48.,24) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  49.,10) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  50.,10) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  51.,11) Error: Incompatible types: got "TPointF" expected "Single"
  52.,66) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "TPointF", expected "Extended"
  53.,14) Hint: Found declaration: Abs(Extended):System.Extended; InternProc;
  54.,10) Hint: Found declaration: Abs(Int64):System.Int64; InternProc;
  55.,10) Hint: Found declaration: Abs(LongInt):System.LongInt; InternProc;
  56.,20) Hint: Local variable "parts" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
  57.,19) Warning: Function result variable of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
  58.,17) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "TPointF", expected "Extended"
  59.,14) Hint: Found declaration: Sqrt(Extended):System.Extended; InternProc;
  60.,17) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "TPointF", expected "Extended"
  61.,14) Hint: Found declaration: Sqrt(Extended):System.Extended; InternProc;
  62.,17) Error: Operator is not overloaded: "<record type>" > "Single"
  63.,18) Hint: Local variable "pts" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
  64.,19) Warning: Function result variable of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
  65. bgrabitmaptypes.pas(664,19) Hint: Function result variable of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
  66. bgrabitmaptypes.pas(1149,26) Hint: Local variable "magicAsText" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
  67. bgrabitmaptypes.pas(1236,26) Hint: Local variable "moreMagic" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
  68. bgrabitmaptypes.pas(1554,0) Verbose: There were 20 errors compiling module, stopping
  69. Verbose: Compilation aborted
  70. Verbose: /home/gcarreno/FreePascal/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode

Hope the log helps!!


Lazarus 3.99(main) FPC 3.3.1(main) Ubuntu 23.10 64b Dark Theme
Lazarus 3.0.0(stable) FPC 3.2.2(stable) Ubuntu 23.10 64b Dark Theme


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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2285 on: March 01, 2023, 06:43:33 am »
Hi Gus,

I've left this on the GitHub repo: Cannot compile current OPM version in latest trunk as of 2023/02/28.

I'm kinda CCing it here since I really don't know where it will be more noticeable to the author.
Fpcupdeluxe builds the packages from sources(see attached image), OPM is not involved. I can update BGRABitmap in OPM, but it won't help you updating trunk/main with fpcupdeluxe.
Lazarus/FPC main is a fast changing, unstable environment, if it's possible I would avoid it. I know it's useful in some cases, like testing out new features, but usually a stable version it's a better choice.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2023, 09:34:01 am by GetMem »


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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2286 on: March 01, 2023, 02:39:32 pm »
Hi GetMem, these bugs with trunk already have been discussed several times...

To solve it, maybe you can update bgrabitmap and bgracontrols with dev branch

Until we do a new release, so the version number will be the same (people with it installed will not notice) but new users will have the fixed version for trunk.

Edit: Is tested as well with current release of Lazarus and FPC, so don't worry for that, but if you want test it anyways.


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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2287 on: March 01, 2023, 05:30:23 pm »
Hi lainz,

OK. I updated both BGRABitmap and BGRAControls. Please test.

Gustavo 'Gus' Carreno

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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2288 on: March 02, 2023, 12:09:37 pm »
Hey GetMem,

Fpcupdeluxe builds the packages from sources(see attached image), OPM is not involved. I can update BGRABitmap in OPM, but it won't help you updating trunk/main with fpcupdeluxe.
Lazarus/FPC main is a fast changing, unstable environment, if it's possible I would avoid it. I know it's useful in some cases, like testing out new features, but usually a stable version it's a better choice.

I'm sorry for dragging you into this, that was not my intention at all!!

My intention was to make the authors of the package aware of an issue with Lazarus main/HEAD(what we call trunk).

I thought that by mentioning that I was Carbon Copying the issue here and in GitHub, you would understand that it was not an OPM issue, but a desperate cry for help to the authors of the package!!

Looks like I failed and for that I must deeply apologise!! Sooooo, I'm really sorry for the misunderstanding!!

Lazarus 3.99(main) FPC 3.3.1(main) Ubuntu 23.10 64b Dark Theme
Lazarus 3.0.0(stable) FPC 3.2.2(stable) Ubuntu 23.10 64b Dark Theme


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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2289 on: March 13, 2023, 09:27:31 pm »
thank you this expert and for all your your efforts.
I think it would be good thing to add and display the sizes of packages for people whom want to download all packages but not the big ones.
lazarus 1.8.4 Win8.1 / cross FreeBSD
dhukmucmur vernadh!


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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2290 on: March 13, 2023, 09:31:52 pm »
thank you this expert and for all your your efforts.
I think it would be good thing to add and display the sizes of packages for people whom want to download all packages but not the big ones.

Every package has "Repository File Size" metadata.
Preview the next Lazarus documentation release at:


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  • lazarus 1.8.4 Win8.1 / cross FreeBSD
Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2291 on: March 14, 2023, 04:05:15 pm »
thank you this expert and for all your your efforts.
I think it would be good thing to add and display the sizes of packages for people whom want to download all packages but not the big ones.

Every package has "Repository File Size" metadata.

Yes, But It would be better to display it in the list, so when someone trying to download all packages, he will have the ability to skip the big ones.
  For exemple, Me, I do not have a stable internet connection, doing do, It will help me to download only small packages .
lazarus 1.8.4 Win8.1 / cross FreeBSD
dhukmucmur vernadh!


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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2292 on: March 15, 2023, 07:46:44 am »
Yes, But It would be better to display it in the list, so when someone trying to download all packages, he will have the ability to skip the big ones.
  For exemple, Me, I do not have a stable internet connection, doing do, It will help me to download only small packages .
Display where? There is no more room for another column. OPM already looks like a Christmas tree.  :)


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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2293 on: March 15, 2023, 02:15:19 pm »
What is the Problem, i see actual the size in OPM. Or is the Repository filesize not the wanted one ?


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Re: Online Package Manager
« Reply #2294 on: March 15, 2023, 02:21:53 pm »
What is the Problem, i see actual the size in OPM. Or is the Repository filesize not the wanted one ?
Yes, but in order to see it, you have to expand the node. I believe @BSaidus wants to see the file size, in a place where is more visible, like a separate column or something similar.


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