Hi mercury !
I'm delighted, to find finally somebody else, who's interested in FFmpeg-Stuff.

LibFFPlay is a simple C lib for video/audio playback...can use by any program language as normal C lib.
In other Words:
A C-DLL-File, that simply exports basic PlayerFunctions, and -Parameters from the original FFPlay-C-File.
In this pragmatic Way, of course, You don't have to bother too much with the FFPlay-SourceCode itself, and
You avoid messing around with PascalHeaders, that by Natur never can be really complete and up-to-Date, and
it's much easier to follow the latest FFmpeg-Updates.
So far, so good,
but: (Sorry, but now some "buts" are coming.)
> What's the Advantage of Your 'LibFFPlay', compared with:-
Acinerella: https://github.com/astoeckel/acinerella-
FFDec: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdec> ad 'FPS', shown in Your Screenshot:In Your Screenshot, there is a Series of whole-numbered (integer) Values from 23 to 25, called 'FPS'.
This 'FPS' is simply calculated by Counting up the 'BGRABitmaps', and then showing the Sums per Sec., see:
Unit 'LibFFplay', Line 427: "FPS += 1;", and Unit 'Unit1', Line 72: "TForm1.Timer1Timer".
Some might confuse this 'FPS' with FFmpeg's FPS, which is the 'Number of Frames in a STREAM per Sec.', whereat
EACH Stream in the AV-Stream may have DIFFERENT TotalAmounts of Frames, and FrameRates.
It's then up to the PlayerCode, to put all this Mess in Order. That's why progging a MediaPlayer is
much more complex, than progging an AudioPlayer, that only has to deal with ONE Stream: Audio.
Your 'FPS' rather represents an approximate 'Number of DISPLAYED VideoPictures per Sec.', after
having passed all the Bunch of Decoding, Syncing, and eventually Skipping VideoFrames.
> ad AudioData-Callback-Function:There isn't - As long as You don't add an AudioData-Callback, the Sound actually comes from
the FFPlay-C-File's SDL-Audio, and You (or eventual Users of 'LibFFPlay') can't implement any
own AudioCode (e.g. DSP), or add another Audio-Output (e.g. Portaudio).
> ad VideoData-Callback-Function 'Cb_display()':Currently Your VideoData-Callback is placed at a Position in the FFPlay-Code, where the PictureQueue (now called 'FrameQueue') is completely left out from the VideoSync-Process, see:

(Your modified) 'ffplay.c', Line 1815.
(I saw, that this Part is marked as "TODO", so I suppose, You'll fix that.)
Here's a simplified WorkFlow of, how 'ffplay.c' generates a synced VideoImage:
AV-Stream -> Read VideoFrames -> Video-PacketQueue -> Decode VideoPackets -> Sync VideoFrameIn-PTS ->
Scale to VideoFrameOut -> PictureQueue -> Fetch synced(!) VideoPicture -> Display (Puh!).
Your VideoData are fetched after 'Scale to VideoFrameOut' (= the VideoPicture), but to achieve a really
accurate VideoSync, 'ffplay.c' synchronizes the PTS of each completely decoded VideoFrame
ANDcalculates the Delay in Ms for each single VideoPicture, that shall be displayed.
=> The right Place to fetch VideoData would be at Line 971 of (Your modified) 'ffplay.c',
exactly where You commented out "SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(vp->bmp, &rect);".
-> Why don't You put Your VideoData-Callback there ?
To demonstrate the PictureQueue-Sync at Work, You'll find in the Attachment a ScreenShot of
a typical Series of real Values for 'Current VideoPictures per Sec.', generated by my 'FFPlay4Laz'.
BTW:Please, mark the Changes, You've made
inside the original FFPlay-C-Code, to make
it easier for Others to differ between the original Code and Your Modifications.
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To see the Attachment, Login IS needed.
Tip for You:You may use 'AV_TIME_BASE', instead of '/ 1000 / 1000'.
Tip for all the Others in this Forum:'LibFFplay\libffplay.cbp' is a