With one of the components I have created, the event handler assignments in the object inspector disappear on closing and re-opening the project in which the component is used.
Normal properties are fine.
When I view the form source, the assignments are still present and look OK:
object Bootloader: TPic33EpBootloader
VendorID = '$04D8'
ProductID = '$003C'
ProgramOnConnect = False
RunAfterProgram = False
InhibitTimeout = False
OnStateChange = BootloaderStateChange
OnDisconnect = BootloaderDisconnect
OnHexFileLoaded = BootloaderHexFileLoaded
OnUpdateTimeout = BootloaderUpdateTimeout
OnRecordProgrammed = BootloaderRecordProgrammed
OnReadBootInfo = BootloaderReadBootInfo
OnReadCRC = BootloaderReadCRC
OnValidAppChecked = BootloaderValidAppChecked
left = 112
top = 112
At design time, when the component is placed on the form, it's event handlers can be assigned without problem, and the application builds and runs fine.
VendorID and ProductID use overloaded setters, so that either hex (strings) or integers can be entered in the object inspector. This works, but could it be the causing problems?
Anyone have any ideas on possible causes? I'm using Lazarus 1.4.2 on windows 8.1
Thanks in advance