ok thanks (HTML was only an example. I mean autoclose in general)
To the global theme. I have an idea, a parser which paars for example the defined lexers in the lexer file(lib.lxl)
[php] function, Commen, .. and for
[pascal] function, Command, multiline command, ...
that the output in global themes setting menu is
[Global] function, Command, multiline command
and when the save button is pressed, an checklistbox is opening(similar to the lexers checklistbox to aktivate the diferent lexers) with headline "for which lexer would you like to change highlithing settings".
(the languages are only examples)
I would try to implement it myself, and commit it, but my programming skills are to poor to implement it by myself.
I have also tried to compile CudaText myself, but the compiler doesn't found the unit proc_linklabel.pas. Where I can find it.