First of all, sorry off topic.
Is it any reason why you want to use Code Typhon instead of Lazarus? Could you share your experience what are the CT's features that Lazarus lack of? Valid criticism is always a good thing.
I ever downloaded and tried CT briefly. The notable features I saw were:
1. Easier cross compilation
2. Modern looking layout (non-floating mode)
3. All packages were installed by default
Although the information for preparing cross compilation in Lazarus can be found easily in Wiki, I admit CT had done it better by making it easier.
When installing Lazarus starting from version 4.0RC1, it now has options for enabling single window mode and modern form editor. Some users including me prefer the classic one but I believe many new users will like this new feature.
Including and enabling all packages on the default installation, is a double-edged sword. It makes the IDE bloated, requires more RAM and takes more time for rebuilding. Sure some users will appreciate it, but Lazarus has Online Package Manager, installing new third party packages is relatively easy.
I haven't really use Code Typhon. I am curious to know what features they offer.