@furious programming
This Topic treats 'Rendering with FFmpeg-Libraries' - for Recording-Issues, see
-> GoTo:
which is a FPC-Example for Recordings with FFmpeg-
Libraries (for the Moment w/o Audio).
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which is for anything else, that 'FFmpeg' can do for You, simply by using the FFmpeg-
CLIs themselves.
With the preset CommandLines, You can
record a Part of the Screen (= [Grab] -> [Stop]), and then read out Infos about the recorded File (= [Info]) and play it (= [Play]).
All done with the MKV-ContainerFormat (= Matroska, which is a free Format).
With MP4 Things are different:
Recordings must be stopped with <q> (= quit), otherwise the created VideoFile won't be valid, means not playable.
This Part is not implemented yet in 'RunFFmpeg', but You may do so in the SourceCode, which is
attached to the initial Post of 'FFGrab4Laz' (see 'FFGrab4Laz_01.7z').
Or take FFmpeg's CommandLine-Tool 'ffmpeg.exe' directly to record the Screen to MP4-Files with CommandLines, like e.g. ...
-f gdigrab -framerate 30 -video_size 1280x768 -i desktop "grabbed.mp4"to record the entire Screen w/o Audio.
-f gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 10 -offset_y 20 -video_size 640x480 -show_region 1 -i desktop "grabbed.mp4"to record a Part of the Screen w/o Audio.
-f gdigrab -framerate 30 -video_size 1920x1080 -i desktop -f dshow -i audio="Sound Blaster Audigy" -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset ultrafast "grabbed.mp4"to record the entire Screen with Audio, where
"Sound Blaster Audigy" is the Name of
my AudioDevice, and may be different on Your System.
Note: 'gdigrab' and 'dshow' is for Windows, only (I use WinXP, too).
By Modifying the CommandLine-Arguments, You can record the Screen with any Framerate, AV-Quality, Format, etc., which
is supported by 'FFmpeg', and this is a lot.