Sorry for answering so late, but last Week my really hard working HDD deceased (-> R.I.P.).

Before going on with this Project, I have to recover, restore and reinstall my entire System.

One and only Benefit: I took the Opportunity to update to Lazarus v1.4.4.

Anyway, get the
last Version before my Disk failed from my DropBox:
FFPlay4Laz_02_15.02.16 - 13.51:
> Seek revised
-> Now, the Seek is stable with SDL-Audio, too; Audio is slightly muted, when Seeking.
It doesnt support fast forward so I can keep key down and it goes fast
I see, You really insist on the KeyRepeat-Feature. Though it is not projected at the Moment, I'll implement it for You - or maybe, Frank does...
I have been working at implementing MP4/AAC for uos for my own Delphi converted to Lazarus
Initially, I intended to do the same, but then I decided to do something different.
I also have projects (Delphi Win32) that use ffmpeg.exe
For PascalCode to Transcode & Play via FFmpeg-EXEs, see e.g. 'WinFF':
http://www.winff.orgIf it would be possible to assist/build on your efforts + Let me know if I can help...
Any Assistance is appreciated -> Take the Code, I published in the Attachment of my Thread, Dec. 21, 2015.
Though the current 'FFPlay4Laz' suffered some "slight Modifications" by me, the
basic Structure, specially the Way, how the AV-Synchronization is done, did
not change - Here
some Ideas for You:- Add
KeyRepeat- Add
Pause/Unpause I already did (or better started) that, but up to now, it's not really satisfying, because:
when Unpausing after a longer Period, the Audio-Sync gets lost - may be, You'll find a better Solution.
- Write a
FFmpeg-Wrapper for 'FFPlay4Laz', like 'OvoPlayer' did for Audio only, see:, and
open 'src\import-engines\ffmpeg.pas'.
And last, but not least:'FFPlay4Laz' works quite fine, but in Order to turn it to a
real "FFPlay for Lazarus",
the SDL-Threads, -Timers, and -Events could/should be replaced by
Looking forward to Your Reply.