with no internet and WinXp
Got internet at my workingplaces; that's sufficient for my needs, for I'am not a developer, only a hobbyist.
As long as You prefer writing code to staring at fancy, graphically overloaded screens, any OS does it.
I look at units you said,I should say they are quite hard for me
Hope, You didn't expect, that a bad ass developer's code would be easier to read.
My problem is playing files in a row with minimum delay ... want to test
In the past, I wrote several player (Fmod3 -> Fmod4 (= FmodEx) -> MPlayer -> VLC -> Portaudio), always with
the main interest to render Audio/Video with maximum performance and minimum latency, using Pascal.
Doing this, I never just used preformed Audio/Video-Components (except of the Wrappers) to put then only
another layer with the player functions upon it.
Though they all work fine, finally I always reached to a point, where with those DLLs (and/or their Wrappers)
certain features cannot be realized at all, or only with weary workarounds, see:
"Component for retrieving data from video files"
http://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,22038.0.html-> Page #2 -> My post from Oct. 18, 2014 -> read up from "I found an initial delay..."
Obviously, You reached to the same point, now.
(Now, if anybody asks me, why I do not make it simply in C -> this already exists.)
To make Your day happy, I show you how to add SDL-YUV-VideoOutput to the FilteringVideo-Example, that
comes with FFVCL v5.6 - This way you may check, if FFmpeg meets Your needs:
1. Convert 'filtering_video.dpr'
2. Replace the ProgramCode by this:
filtering_video_plus_sdl_yuv.lpr.txt (-> the changes I've made, You'll find searching for "by moi" )
3. Add
- The headers + FFUtils.pas from FFVCL v5.6
+ My Unit 'uFF2sdlV_YUV' (= the minimal code for SDL-YUV, You'll need for testing the speed of FFmpeg )
( This unit is pure DrangerCode (-> see: Tutorial 02 - Outputting to the Screen), I only transcribed it to Pascal.)
4. Compile
Required DLLs from FFVCL v5.6 to run the console:
avcodec-55.dll, avfilter-4.dll, avformat-55.dll, avutil-52.dll, swresample-0.dll, swscale-2.dll, SDL.dll.
"The secret is to give them what they need, not what they want."