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Free Vision (console mode) for Linux

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A job to make a multi-distro installer for Linux has just landed. I can't rely on a GUI, so I thought of using something like Turbo Vision. I found Free Vision, though no downloads and no new application entry in the Lazarus.

Is this feasible, where do I look, or do I look elsewhere?

Start by looking at the textmode IDE "fp" in a complete fpc packages install. It is the main app using it


--- Quote from: marcov on August 06, 2014, 11:18:26 pm ---Start by looking at the textmode IDE "fp" in a complete fpc packages install. It is the main app using it

--- End quote ---

Thanks Marco. I tried to find it. But "fp" isn't the best name to locate in a compiler that prefixes everything with "fpc". Especially if you don't know what you´re looking for. Plus, Windows 8 search has its own mind.

But.., apparently it is a sad state of affairs: the wiki page ( begins with a big list of problems.

I am looking into bash dialogs (from hell) now.


--- Quote from: new2linux on August 07, 2014, 08:44:03 pm ---
--- Quote from: marcov on August 06, 2014, 11:18:26 pm ---Start by looking at the textmode IDE "fp" in a complete fpc packages install. It is the main app using it

--- End quote ---

Thanks Marco. I tried to find it. But "fp" isn't the best name to locate in a compiler that prefixes everything with "fpc". Especially if you don't know what you´re looking for. Plus, Windows 8 search has its own mind.

--- End quote ---

It has some dos heritage.

--- Quote ---But.., apparently it is a sad state of affairs: the wiki page ( begins with a big list of problems.

I am looking into bash dialogs (from hell) now.

--- End quote ---

That's like saying an old rifle has problems occasionally , and resort to start throwing rocks :-)


--- Quote from: new2linux on August 07, 2014, 08:44:03 pm ---But.., apparently it is a sad state of affairs: the wiki page ( begins with a big list of problems.

--- End quote ---
It's not as bad as that wiki page makes it out to be. I'm in fact writing a console installer with FV too. But my Free Vision / Turbo Vision skills have gone seriously downhill since the Turbo Pascal days (long long ago). :)

From the FPC bin directory simply type 'fp' to see the Text IDE in action. It works very well here under FreeBSD, Linux and Windows.


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